
  1. H

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hello, I am new to the group, having been diagnosed by my GP in February 2015 with Fibromyalgia. I started having pain in the back of my right knee one day, and then it mysteriously disappeared two days later, but that same day, my fingers were sore. The next week continued with sore wrists...
  2. M


    After watching a show about our invasion into Baghdad, 911 still seared in my brain. Doesn't take my pain away but sure brings things into perspective. Today the left side of my body hurts throat teeth knee and back. Could be worse.
  3. D

    gabapentin reaction

    Hi , my history started with reiters syndrome about 25 years ago, had flare ups on and of and various drugs, I.e steriod injections, co, proxamol, naproxen.About 5 years ago was sent to rheumatologist for various blood tests he was unsure of r.s and diagnosed chronic pain syndrome. Gradually...
  4. B

    How do you control your pain?

    I have been diagnosed in January with fibromyalgia. I haven't quite figured out a good pain management plan. I am currently on cymbalta and macrobid. Neither really help with my big pain areas just my smaller ones. I have been recently doing knee physical therapy because my knees are the worst...
  5. R

    like a hot iron in me

    Hi All! I haven't written since 09/14 but I'm back, still same old thing. So lately I've been having a more intense and specific pain as described in my thread title. It is as if a sharp HOT iron is just hanging out in my knee, under my knee cap. Then last night it was my wrist..... My...
  6. Forgetmenot


    well ive been walking two miles a day up and down big hills. It's help with my sleep and my weight , but the down side is as soon as I stop I go soooooo stiff. Every bit of my body suffers.but having moved in with my mum I can walk the dog without little one. And he definitely enjoys the walks...
  7. C

    Cfs, fibro, or both?

    Never been diagnosed yet. I'm 53, have been having undiagnosed, random issues since I was 15. Eye twitching, lasting days to months, affecting my vision and making my eyes cross. bilateral shoulder pain that lasted for months at 20. So painful,I would put my arms inside my t shirt to hold my...
  8. H

    New to the group and frustrated

    Hi Im new today to the group and I have a situation I need some advice on. Hopefully someone can help. Well i was diagnosed with Fibro and RA in 2001. I have had pain for a least that long and my RA doc has prescribed me pain meds for at least 10 years. Well I had to have a total knee...
  9. B

    Atrophy Question

    Sorry this is going to be so long but I want to be thorough for anyone who takes the time to ready this: Since the middle of Nov I have had a strange feeling in my left leg. It started with pain in my lower back on the left side and I started to notice that my leg felt weak and the muscle hurt...
  10. M

    Hi! I'm a newbie !

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to share a little bit of myself since I'm new to the site. I am a 43 year old female and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 11/2011 but went undiagnosed for about 10 years. I also suffer from migraines, chronic constipation, sciatica,DDD, s1l5 nerve root damage...