
  1. C

    shock sensations in foot+ leg

    For the past 2 weeks my second and third toe on my left foot have been numb. I had an 'attack' lastnight in the kitchen. Every time I put pressure/stood on my left food, I had shooting pains and weird sensations going up my calves to my knee. 'Electric' shock pain, like jolts and the sensation...
  2. C

    New here

    Hi, I just wanted to say hello, a neurologist and my GPS said they think I have fibromyalgia. I have had every test done, it seems. I have an appointment with my GPS soon for an official diagnosis I guess.So just starting the journey. I am 48 and started having the typical weird symptoms...
  3. PattiD

    So tired :(

    So tired after these past three days. I've had to soak up a lot of info. So has my husband. I thought I was handling everything ok but apparently not so much. Yesterday I saw my rheumy and it was a good visit. I told him that I was having more pain since I stopped the Mobic. Told him that my...
  4. F


    Hello everyone. I'm so glad I found this forum. I feel so alone sometimes. I'm not sure where to begin... So, about 5 or 6 years ago I started getting really achy and extremely exhausted. I thought I was just overdoing it.. and then I hurt my knee. It hurt SO bad. Xrays showed a tare and alot of...
  5. PattiD


    I'm glad to have found this place. I was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia 6/5/2015. I am new to all of this. The only person I have been able to talk to has been my husband. Before I was DX with fibro I had a feeling that's what it was. I even had one Dr. tell me it was all symptomatic (NOT). I...
  6. L

    sensitive to being hit?

    I find if I stub my toe or bang my knee into a table...etc....the pain feels 100xs worse then it should. I just banged my knee into a door and I literally screamed out and cried the pain was SOOOOO bad. I feel as if I am a danger to myself. I was just awarded disability and its a hard fact to...
  7. M

    Spots of my skin burns but no rash or swelling

    Hi I am new to this, but I am trying to figure out what I have. I think it is Tactile Allodynia a form of Fibromyaligia, anyone familiar with this. It is spots about 2 to 3" wide, that burn especially when you or anything touches the sport, there is no rash, no swelling, no change in skin color...
  8. C

    Recently diagnosed

    Though I was recently diagnosed I had suspected that was the issue and wasn't surprised but with that being said Im so frustrated already. Three a d half years ago I had a heart attack and went through three separate heart procedures ... alone. Then injuries my knee while working out at the...
  9. M

    update, still pain of unknown cause diagnosed thyroid issues

    Hi all, I posted back in january with my mine complaint of chest pain. I made it into the dr when insurance kicked in feb 1st. I had xray, ct scan, orginially diagnosed with pleurisy, went for ct scan, diagnosed with large thyroid nodule. It was biopsied and is benign, but it is still going...
  10. S

    New & Confused...need some advice

    A year ago my dr said he thought I had fibromyalgia ...I didn't believe him - I just didn't have the symptoms. (I had a left hip replacement and a right knee replacement) I went to him a week ago and told him I was a mess. I told him I was SO depressed - the antidepressants I was on aren't...