
  1. A

    Unsure what's next

    Hello everyone, You will have to excuse me I'm not sure what to really say here. I am new to support groups, fibromyalgia, and really everything that is going on right now in my life. I'm a 31 year old mother of two.(12 and 9) Not really sure when all of this started but the downward spiral...
  2. S


    I just thought I'd introduce myself here. I received a diagnosis of fibromyalgia recently, although I'm a little annoyed with the doctor who gave it. (He ordered no blood work to rule out other possibilities.) In any case, I'm still fairly new to chronic pain. The problems started in my right...
  3. F

    New With Fibromyalgia

    I am 43 and just found out that I have Fibromyalgia, I am currently on Gabapentin, and its just 900 mg at night, however, it helps the initial pain that I started out having, however I get new pain. So it is like the pain is shifting, and I do not like it. my RA Dr. informed me of this...
  4. S

    New Member's Story or Stories, I'M the First on this new thread!

    I don't really know how to begin telling you my story, but to say that it was just a total nightmare; I really believe at this time that if my God had not made this work better for me, I would not still be alive at this time! It all started because of my being an idiotic child in the 7th grade...
  5. M

    Is anyone like me?

    Hi I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia for a few years now, and have it pretty under control with the use of 60mg Cymbalta. I was told by a nurse friend that she read that your thyroid might have something to do with Fibro so I went to get it checked. Came back normal, but my iron levels...
  6. T

    Just wanted to say hi -HI

    I have had fibro or as like to call it the monster for several years. I read a post where a woman asked if anyone's hair had hurt, yes I say to that. I usually roll over on my stomach and then push myself out of bed and make it to bathroom for meds and then sit in my lazyboy until it is...
  7. Lellobeetle

    How Fibromyailgia Has Affected Me

    I've already been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, after which I promptly pissed off my Rheumatologist by saying I thought nobody believed that to be a legitimate diagnosis. He said, "Well, I do." I've always had bad luck with doctors. They always say I have an unusual case. Nothing is ever easy...
  8. J

    Fibro and Surgeries/Illness

    :| is two weeks since my orthoscopic knee surgery for a torn medial meniscus..I am recovering very well from the surgery..but OMG..this week the fibro has ben off the charts...I am just a couch potatoe...besides the widesspread pain and fatigue, I have the fibro brain...oh for the days...
  9. N

    Lymph nodes

    I haven't been given the official dignosis yet. I'm a 26 year old female. A year and a half ago all m lymph nodes became swollen. I had body aches, headaches, frequent urination, restless leg, brain fog. I had 100's of test done at first they thought I had lymphoma (blood work was fine and no...
  10. P

    New to Site but NOT New to Fibro or Pain

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far away... sorry, I could not resist. That is just one of my other conditions rearing its head, StarWarsNerd-itis. Hey, we have to find something to laugh about, right? Anyway, I guess this is my Fibro story... I was always an active kid. I mean, I had my share...