
  1. A

    I just wanna quite

    Hey all. I am 34 and was diagnosed last month with fibro. Been suffering with pain and fatigue the past few years. After all the tests and then more tests was diagnosed with fibro. Along with that I also have osteoarthritis. Have had 4 knee surgeries ( last one being a partial replacement) also...
  2. F

    Wondering if I have fibro

    I have been in a limbo the past few months with my health. It all started around August when I developed an eye twitch. I googled it and was determined I had a serious illness. Once I read about certain diseases (MS, particularly) I was positive that was what was wrong with me and started having...
  3. J


    I am new to this forum. I have been dealing with symptoms of fibromyalgia for several years but the past year has been horrible. Two years ago I was active and working. I could clean, take daily showers, plant a garden, walk. I've had back issues for years and was always able to manage...
  4. M

    weaning off cymbalta

    I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia few years ago. My doctor told me to take Savella, that didn't help me at all. So the doctor prescribed Lyrica, and that didn't help me either, I got sick from taking that medication. The last thing he told me to take was cymbalta 60 mg, once daily, and it...
  5. A

    DAILY Fibro Pain

    Hi I was wondering if a lot of people with Fibro felt better in the AM and gradually felt worse in the late afternoon or evening. When I stand up for several hours my legs hurt....radiating down from the knee area and then I gradually begin the fatigue every where else. Does anyone else have a...
  6. B

    Hello. New here.

    Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with ME/CFS in 2011. (After having symptoms for at least 25 years.) I am now wondering if I have Fibromyalgia as I suffer with frequent pain in my leg, thigh, knee, wrist, neck and shoulders. I wake up with the pain at night. I also have all the other symptoms of...
  7. F

    All of me hurts

    Hello everyone, I'm new here. I'm 23 and I have a family history of Fibromyalgia. About two years ago I started experiencing pain in my hands and knuckles, it feels like someone injected acid into my knuckles. Over the last year or so I started experiencing knee pain as well, like a weak...
  8. T

    Who can help treat fibro?

    Hello. I'm new to the forum. Just finally desperate enough to try to reach out for help. Here is some history (and sorry if I ramble or don't make sense, I'm having a bad day and feel like my brain isn't functioning at it's full capacity. Several years ago I started noticing unexplained...
  9. L

    Medical Malpractice question regarding pain medication- Help!

    Hi everyone, I have a question regarding a very upsetting incident that occurred this week with my doctor. I was prescribed oxycodone about a year ago for my chronic pain, migraines and Fibro. I was told by my GP and other specialists that this was the best solution at the time, as no other...
  10. Zolisindigo

    Morning stiffness:what I do to avoid it

    Be sure to get ample deep sleep so your body can repair and recharge,be sure to sleep either on your side or on your back, as stomach sleeping causes unnecessary stress on the low back and spine. If your room is drafty, seal the windows or door. If it is cold, try a space heater or use extra...