
  1. M

    poem corner. new forum required.

    I would like to start a new forum. POEM CORNER exclusivly for members to write poems about fibro Regardless of whether its a poem about suffering or getting by with fibro, i feel this deserves it's own new section. Here is one to start that I wrote. now listen up tracy, I hear your pain you...
  2. T

    Have an interview for a much less stressful job but can I do it?

    I am home from work again. Today it's a colitis flare-up, fatigue and headache. I had put in my name on a job that sounded like it would be kind of fun and would be at a new agency. I think I'm ready to leave. Some other circumstances have made it very painful for me to work there. I am a...
  3. Q

    I'm new here

    Hi! My name is Linda and I was given a fibro diagnosis at the beginning of May. I believe this is something I've been dealing with for awhile though (as I'm sure it is for most people that finally get the diagnosis). For me, getting the diagnosis was a big relief. I certainly wasn't looking to...
  4. D

    No sympathy from daughter

    I am probably going to sound like I am rambling, so I apologize in advance, I just need to get this off my chest. Let me start with background... I have been suffering silently with this for many, many years. A couple of years ago I couldn't take it anymore when after work every day I would...
  5. P

    Alkaline Diet... It Works!

    I don't have a lot of time, but I have been wanting to post this for a long time, well as long as I have joined the forum and saw the Alternative Medicines/Therapies topic. For several months after I was diagnosed with Fibro. I completely relied on the pills I was given by my doctor. And of...
  6. A

    Will you please describe your morning stiffness?

    I get asked by doctors if I have morning stiffness and I tell them that I don't, then I get funny looks. And I wonder if I don't really have fibro because I don't have morning stiffness. But perhaps I don't understand what morning stiffness means. Would you guys be so kind as to describe what...
  7. J

    My new BFF...fibro/NOT!

    :) Okay, so after a week and a half of taking drugs to combat acute sinusitus and tonsilitus, finally start to feel better only to have my left knee patella tendon start to hurt this past Wednesday. Sitting in bed today with the leg elevated and an ice pack on I guess I post this to...
  8. S

    My story and vent

    I guess this is more of a happy vent thing. So I grew up with everyone always thinking "oh Crystal is sick again". I was always in pain, always sick and always complaining about something. Even the school nurse thought I was making things up when I went to see her. The funny thing is, I...
  9. K

    Frustrated with someone in my life...

    I just need to vent to someone other than my mom about this lol... Even if no one reads it... My brothers girlfriend is driving me insane! I seriously hate her. Right now I'm ignoring her because she decided to talk cap about me to my own mother in my own house! My mom corrected her and...
  10. A

    Tired ALL the time, fibro?

    I have had fatigue off and on for 2-3 years and I occasionally have pain in my joints and feel flu like. Lately, I feel this way more often than not. I have had my thyroid checked several times lately because I have several of the typical hypo symptoms such as constipation, weight gain...