
  1. C

    Just diagnosed. There are people like me!

    I was finally diagnosed with Fibro last week. I have been living with chronic pain and fatigue for years. The past six months has been brutal. Things I once loved to do our now impossible. I feel alone. None of my family or friends seem to understand. They would playfully make fun of my daily...
  2. Melissast

    The Spoon Theory

    I was wondering if any of you have ever heard this story. I told my friends about it and now they seem to understand a little bit better that there is a limited amount of things that I can do every day. "The Spoon Theory My best friend and I were in the diner, talking. As usual, it was very...
  3. Ma(x)2

    Here Goes The Neighborhood

    Hey Everyone! I don't mean to come-off overly clinical but for ease of reading and to keep a long (oh, so very long) story short, I will do a quick synopsis of my stats and diagnosis. Let's see...I'm an overweight (okay fat) white gay (far from fabulous but still sometimes funny) male 45 years...
  4. J


    So im on the verge of tears even typing this, but my pain level is about 7 out of ten... I'm 21 years old and have been struggling with fibromyalgia since I was 19. I was just wondering if there's anyone older than I who's had it many more years, and if you could tell me if it gets worse. It...
  5. flightybird

    Hey Y'all!

    Hey y'all! My name's Autumn and I'm new to the forum (obviously!) :oops: I'm 28 and from north Texas (around Dallas). I'm the proud momma of a lovely 9 year old little girl who is quite possibly the most awesome kid ever (not that I'm biased!) I also have an amazing fiance who is so...
  6. K

    Fibromyalgia and IBS

    I have Fibromyalgia and one of the fun things that seems to come along with it is IBS, or "Irritable Bowel Syndrome." I do everything that I can so that it stays under control, but lately it's been a challenge. Besides eating well, drinking water, and exercising, can anyone else let me know...
  7. G

    New to forum

    Hi, I'm new to the forum. I decided to seek out advice and a place to vent and understand as no one in my family or friends seem to understand what all Fibro encompasses and how it affects everything. I was diagnosed in March of this year after having pain and symptoms for months with such...
  8. C

    Is it really this bad... ?

    Hello All, My name is Chris, I am 54 years old and I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about two years ago and it was just because of being a little fatigued and morning stiffness. I was doing well but then this past January I hurt my back at work and I have been off work while the W/C doctors...
  9. C

    More then I expected

    Hello All, My name is Chris, I am 54 years old and I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about two years ago and it was just because of being a little fatigued and morning stiffness. I was doing well but then this past January I hurt my back at work and I have been off work while the W/C doctors...
  10. T

    Hello to you all..

    Hello my name is Tim. I was told I have fibrositis when I was 16, I am now 48. For years I have put up with pain, not really understanding what was going on. I also have arthritis, so I always put the pain down to that. Never could understand why the pain was in my muscles... My GP has now told...