
  1. N

    New Member with something to add....

    Hello everyone... Since I am very new to this (Forum and Support Group), I would just like to ask everyone to please be patient with me. lol I have been struggling with this horrible "illness" (or what ever everyone calls it, as I want to be as "politically correct" as I can be here, lol)...
  2. E

    New to Fibro, but not to chronic illnesses.

    Hey everybody, my name is Jess. I have recently been diagnosed with Fibro, however chronic illnesses are nothing new to me. I was diagnosed with severe Crohn's disease three years ago. I was on the edge of going septic and just barely escaped dying; scary and not fun. I also have enteropathic...
  3. D

    Stress/upset and Fibromyalgia

    I have come to the conclusion that stress and emotional upset will make your/my fibromyalgia worse. If I get upset and say cry, right away I start to get pain in my body. And if I get some kind of bad news, within one hour I start having arthritis type pain and the pain is bad, I will have...
  4. M

    Sleep study tomorrow, what should I expect?

    My insurance finally approved my sleep study. I go tomorrow night. They didn't tell me a whole lot except to wash my hair but not to put conditioner in my hair:-? Which is funny because I have super thick super long hair that is going to be snarled mess if I don't use some conditioner, and to...
  5. 1sweed

    Stress Relief Diet

    Does anyone remember seeing or trying this diet. It appears to me it could be helpful in more ways then one. What do you think? The Stress Diet Breakfast: 1/2 of a grapefruit 1 Slice Whole-wheat toast 8 oz Skim milk Lunch: 4 oz Broiled Chicken Breast 1 cup steamed Spinach 1 cup Herbal Tea 1...
  6. N

    worst stomach cramps ever.

    This is all kind of funny now but not so much at the time. I went to hang with some friends this past weekend and ended up with a stomach bug while there and had to be driven home. Then on the way home the muscle spasms and stomach cramps started in. I think I took fives years off of my friend's...
  7. M

    listen up tracy poem

    now listen up tracy, I hear your pain you symptoms are getting you down again you feel so useless, unwanted and stressed but deep down inside you are one of the best we all have to suffer in each our own way pain from fibromalgia that wont go away so what if we can't do as much as before do...
  8. T


    We had snow for 3 days in a row non-stop, I live where we might get 1 or 2 days in a year. On top of this we had some drama the other night.... Our power went out for about an hour right before dinner then it came back so we figured OK reset all power and get cooking. Hubby and I were going...
  9. I

    Hello, hello!

    Brand new to the forum. Yes, I too have a fibro diagnosed, as well as mixed connective tissue disease, sleep apnea w/central hypoventilation syndrome, Raynaud's, small airways disease, hypoxemia, and a few others. I've never had so much fun ... not. I have great doctors in NYC but the cold...
  10. C

    What we are good at

    With all the things we can no longer do because of our chronic illnesses, I thought it would be fun and encouraging to make a list of all the things that people with chronic illnesses are good at. Let's see how long a list we can come up with! People with chronic illness are good at: 1...