
  1. M

    Pain med addiction

    So, I know this has been asked (dealt with) some many times on these forums... But the addiction to these pain meds (opiods) are driving me crazy! I can't get help through my insurance bc it's too expensive, I can't afford a detox facility, and I can't stop taking them. I just want to be ME...
  2. N

    soooo much fun

    Was just starting to feel better and then my back went into spasms. Yay, go me.
  3. A

    Fibromyalgia affecting my marriage!

    Hi there, I am just wondering if anyone else has had their health issues affect their marriage? I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2008. Had 3 surgeries and several RAI treatments at high doses due to the aggressiveness of my cancer. I have had way too many CT scans in the past 5 years. I...
  4. N

    New in Colorado

    Diagnosed in 2011 and still trying to find relief. Am currently taking Lyrica and starting today adding Savella and Celebrex. Not too sure of these new meds. Oh, and I take Seroquel too but that just knocks me out for about 12-14 hours so I kind of tend to not want to take that unless it's a...
  5. N


    Hello everyone. I am new to this forum. Am about to my wit's end with this pain! I was "diagnosed" with Fibro back in 2011. Blood work for RA, Lupus, etc all ruled out so this is where I stand. Two months ago, had more blood work. The only thing really out of norm was my C Reactive Protein...
  6. Trellum


    Hello everyone! I just wanted to share a really scary experience I had with an antibiotic named ''Norfloxacin''. I was taking it for a very stubborn UTI, by the time I took my second pill I started to feel really funny; my arms, legs, face, everything started to get numb! My arms felt like...
  7. 1sweed

    Do You Like Games?

    I love playing some games on the computer that make me use my brain. I like word games and hidden picture games, which help me pass the time on lonely days and help my brain to remember words and find objects that are hidden in the darnest places. What computer games to you like the best and do...
  8. Whyfor

    Hello, Kindly People!

    Hello to all of you! You seem like such a nice community, and while I admit I've never joined a forum particular to my currently unknown condition, I must say, I feel both excited and nervous! So, here's my story, put as simply as I can manage: I am a 27 year old female with a ten year history...
  9. N

    oh what fun

    Hi everyone, hope you are well. Day 4 of a flare up for the books and even if I know better I feel as if they just don't get it. Time for lunch and then off to work. Hang in there everyone.
  10. C

    Exhausted all of the time

    Newby here.... Hi folks! I am new to this forum and just posted a ridiculously long post in the intros about who I was and realized probably nobody still reads that stuff! Soooooo here goes: I need a Rheumy that will listen! I have Psoriatic Arthritis or maybe Fibromyalgia, been diagnosed...