
  1. The Grim Creeper

    So many people here

    When I read your stories I know them all as I read them. I'm gonna share this for me, maybe because I need to. I've survived nearly 20 year with undiagnosed fibro and was diagnosed last month. The struggle brought me to the edge of giving up on life many times but thank God I'm still here...
  2. P

    FM/a blood test

    I have been reading about a new Fibromyalgia blood test that claims to be 99% accurate in diagnosing FM and ruling out other conditions. Has anyone read about it or talked to their doctor about it? Has anyone had this test done yet? If so, what are your thoughts? I am seriously considering...
  3. V

    Introduction - new to forum and diagosed

    I wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I'm 50 years old and have suffered for many years never knowing what was wrong with me and all my mysterious pain. After the long process of working through and finding the right doctors sympathetic to my suffering, despite nearly perfect blood work...
  4. L

    I don't know how to proceed from here

    I am a 55 year old female who had a hysterectomy 3 years ago (I still have one ovary). Since September 2015: * 3 level acdf Sept. 2015 with routine recovery * Soon after acdf, started having non-specific but severe tooth pain in my upper left molars. Dental xrays were normal. Tap test was not...
  5. P

    Should I be scared?

    Recently I suspected that I had RA like my father did during his life. But after seeing a specialist in the field I found that no I didn't have RA I had OA in more than one joint and Fibromyalgia in mild form. Now some would think that is a better diagnosis but I found myself scared by the one...
  6. W

    Idk what to do.

    Hi I'm not sure how to start but I need to find out answers to questions I have about fibromyalgia. Here is some backround information about my wife and I. We are both in in our early 30s and we are highschool sweethearts. We have been together for 14 years, married for 8 of the 14 (no breaks or...
  7. T

    So down

    I am so down today. I told my husband I am physically, emotionally, and mentally tired. Everything thing hurts even my butt cheeks. I was thinking that the medication I was on was finally starting to help with the depression but today I'm not so sure. Maybe I'm just having a bad day. I...
  8. P

    Emotional Stressors

    I am fairly new to this forum but not new to FMS. Even tho I was diagnosed with FMS in the early mid-90s, this condition still perplexes me. I was wondering how emotional stressors affects other FMS patients? I find that whenever I have an emotional event in my life, I am thrown into severe...
  9. F

    feeling defeated

    this is my first original post to this forum and it's going to be a long one probably. i hope that everyone who reads this will be open-minded. i chose an anonymous forum that wasn't on facebook to get into specific details of my life and my fight with chronic illness. i am a survivor of...
  10. M

    ANA test high

    I'll be tested for Lupus. I had side effects of lupus, hair loss, skin rashes, pain in joints, ibs, inflammation. And more. Thankfully I found a Nurse Practicioner who knows her stuff. Although it's scarry, it's best caught early. I think I've had it for a while over 15 yrs. Hopefully there's...