
  1. J

    Fibro or MS ???

    Hello! I am brand new here and have been dealing with so many issues over the past few years. A little about me: I am almost 50, dx Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Diabetes T2, Degenerative Disc disease, DOuble sided sciatica, arthritis, and as of Wednesday my Rheumotologist said I have either MS or...
  2. B

    Argghh going round in circles

    Well I'm in agony today I can barely walk I rang in sick to work and they were angry about it then I got a phone call from the hospital for my mri scan which is now tomoro (to rule out arthritis hopefully) so I had to ring work to tell them I'm not in tomoro so obviously got annoyed again. They...
  3. F

    Pregnancy and fibromyalgia

    Hello everyone! I'm new to the group as of today. For 8 years I have suffered from fibromyalgia, but was able to cope with my daily symptoms and pain with medication. But 3 weeks ago, I found out I was pregnant, and after speaking with my doctor, discontinued all medications for the safety of...
  4. E


    Hi all. I'm going to be honest from the get-go: I generally don't like this kind of thing. I'm not ashamed and I'm not a super private person (well to some extent, mostly because I find explaining fibro only illicits pity). But I'm at a loss and I want to get this off of my chest. I'm 32, male...
  5. C

    Newly diagnosed with fibro -- Agoraphobic with PTSD

    The title seems a little silly but I didn't know what to write... haha Hi! I'm 28 years old and was just diagnosed with fibro by my rheumatologist on Monday. The pain has been around for a long time but recently got much more noticeable a few months ago. (As a possible point of reference as...
  6. T

    Massage cause extreme pain

    Hello all, Although I still have not been diagnosed with fibro (at this time doc just keeps claiming it's myfascial syndrome) I had yet another incident that makes me think that I may have fibro. Being that my doctor hasn't given me any guidance or direction on how to manage my "myofascial...
  7. T

    Hello all....angy and maybe even in denial

    Hello everyone, I haven't been officially diagnosed yet and quite frankly I'm hoping like heck that I don't have Fibro but it seems as if I pretty much have every symptom but 2 (as well as the allodnia, although I did panic a bit when I had 2 mesquito bites and the next day they felt as if...
  8. T

    newly diagnosed, feeling lost.

    Hi all :-) I have only just been diagnosed (2 weeks ago) with fibromyalgia, and to be honest I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around and accepting it. For the last few years I've had ongoing hip and leg pain following a car accident and numerous tests have shown no answers, leading to...
  9. SnowLynx

    Old but New Diagnosis

    My doctor in 2012 diagnosed me with FMS, but I disbelieved her, buying into the "we'll say that when we can't figure out what's wrong with you" myth. And I lived the next four years as if I were a well person and nearly burned out completely. A new doctor diagnosed me with FMS again and told...
  10. Sarafina

    Fibro and In Utero Development

    I've been researching the possible connection between Fibro and in utero. For anyone interested or doing research on the origination of Fibro - Based on this article Early Life Adversity as a Risk Factor for Fibromyalgia in Later Life It appears there could be a strong connection found...