
  1. MaggyBunny

    Frustrated with my "supportive/understanding" boyfriend

    First off I should state that I got diagnosed a few months ago with fibromyalgia, since then I've bought so many books… one book in particular "fibromyalgia for friends and loved ones" my parents found it very helpful and answered a lot of questions. My boyfriend (of many years that I live with)...
  2. M

    Barely Hanging in There

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and I'm not used to sharing details of my fibro with others outside of my family. I am at my breaking point physically and mentally after living with this hellish disease since 1998. In the past, I would have flare-ups especially when temperatures go down, after...
  3. E

    Vitamin D deficiency and chronic pain

    Hi everyone, This isn't actually about a cure or treatment for Fibro but none the less needs to be read by us Fibro persons. This could be the answer to your prayers or at least some of them in many ways! Hi, my name is Ellen and I am a chronic pain suffer. I was diagnosed in 2001 with...
  4. C

    Another Newbie

    I just wanted to say hello and thank you for allowing me to be here. There's a ton of information on this site and valuable tips. Still not sure what's wrong with me, but I do see some kind of doctor nearly weekly and still no answers. No explanation for my exhaustion, burning head, neck, and...
  5. N

    Finding something that works for me and wanted to share.

    I have been a lurker on Fibromyalgia forums for years but I am a pretty private person so I never joined the forums and online support groups because I didn't want people to feel sorry for me. I have finally had some success in treating my health issues and decided it was time to share. a...
  6. N

    Finding something that works for me and wanted to share.

    I have been a lurker on Fibromyalgia forums for years but I am a pretty private person so I never joined the forums and online support groups because I didn't want people to feel sorry for me. I have finally had some success in treating my health issues and decided it was time to share. a...
  7. M


    OMG BARB!!! When did you find this out?About your Sister.? Have a good nap, hope you wake feeling better. Anxiety sucks. Oh I went to the eye Dr. Today, he said I have cateraks. Sp? That 56 is early, and.....could be due to Fibromyalgia.
  8. T

    Advice for insomnia / staying asleep?

    Besides the pain, actually being able to go or stay asleep has been a HUGE issue for me. At first I stayed up until the early mornings (I'm talking 6 or 7) And then it changed to being able to fall asleep but only getting 5 hours. I recently got prescribed ambien and it seems to help. I try not...
  9. EllaForgotten

    My personal Topamax story & pain.

    So, I was looking around the web for options to talk to my doctor(s) about with regards to fibromyalgia and ran across a link for Topamax. I was on Topamax over a year ago for neuropathy, and... it has just occurred to me that the pain began to get worse and worse AFTER I stopped taking it...
  10. Forgetmenot

    Not doing well

    I've always counted myself lucky,I could do most of what I wanted slowly but I could get there..but since first posting about my legs I'm in a bit of trouble . My legs hurt badly ,the minute I wake up.walking is now a fight between me my brain and my legs. I also worry about getting Lauren to...