
  1. K

    newly diagnosed. need all the help I can get

    Hi All, My name is Keri as you can see lol. I'm new to the forum and also newly diagnosed. I'm 21, and to be honest utterly confused and lost. Ummm well first I'm think I'm in a fibro flare. I went to my PCP like last month and complained about pain and also shaking in my hands ( I was eating a...
  2. M


    The possibility of Lupis hangs in the horizon. My last blood work came back with a high ANA. Which like fibro presents itself as a auto immune disease. There's no cure, but...if caught early enough can help the Medical community decide what meds to use. I've been on a Marithon, google...
  3. H

    Can't Get Any Help

    Doc says I have "early" fibromyalgia. I need rest to help treat this but am having awful pain on upper arm and hip while sleeping on side. Other sleeping positions don't work for me. The exhaustion is so incredibly debilitating I can't function at all anymore and stunned I haven't had a heart...
  4. A

    Sleep disorders

    Every doc I see asked if I sleep. Actually most of my life I have had trouble sleeping. I have always like sitting up late. Then getting up early to get to work, I would be a zombie. For the past week, tho I am sleeping. I take 2 Trazadone, read for about 30 min then lights out. I have even...
  5. R

    15 years since diagnosis

    I began having insomnia, headaches, diffuse body-wide pain and cognitive problems back in early 2000. By June of that year, I could only work a few hours per week at my senior analyst position at Siemens Power Corp, Nuclear Div. At year's end, with no diagnosis and unable to really perform my...
  6. V

    Just need a rant!

    Hi everyone, This is my first post. I have suffered from head neck shoulder and finger pain for about 15 years. I finally surrendered earlier this year and went to see a doctor. Nothing i ever took from over the counter touched the pain i was in. I got sent for an xray and put on napraxon...
  7. N

    Diagnosis After Child Birth

    Hi Everyone, I am new to the forum. I want to share my story with you and find out if anyone has had a similar experience. I have lived with bad anxiety off and on since I was a child, but after the birth of my son in October 2013 my whole life turned upside down. I had a fine pregnancy... no...
  8. G

    Going to a Rheumotologist for the first time

    I am almost 99.99% sure that what I have has to be Fibromyalgia. I have a long history with anxiety. My father passed away in 2008 from lung/stomach cancer that was very quick less than 6 months from diagnosis and my mom passed in 2009 from early onset alzheimers. Both were 60/58 years young...
  9. L

    Not sure if it's fibro yet...

    Hello :-) I'm waiting on some blood tests but I think I have fibro. I'll be 51 in a few days and have been suffering from pain and tiredness since my early 30s. I had lower back surgery that resulted in a dural tear and a staph infection so had blamed my lower body pain on that and anything...
  10. J

    Studying with fibromyalgia - any tips?

    Hello all, first post here! I'm a 19-year-old literature student and I just started studying to get my bachelor's degree. I currently have 4 classes a week, so 12 hours, and I intend on reducing to only 3 classes and 9 hours, but I'm still having a hard time combine fibromyalgia and studying...