
  1. A

    Hello everyone

    Hello, I am Ambrosia, and I suffered from chronic pain for nearly 22 years before I found a person who could treat my condition. I was abused as a child and sustained compounded injuries in my spine from being beaten on a daily basis. I developed excruciating back pain at a young age, which led...
  2. P

    Hello! First time here

    Hello from California :-) I've had chronic fatigue for close to 30 years, then was diagnosed with fibro more recently. They are similar and just seemed to morph. I believe it kicked off when I had a horrific food poisoning episode that wrecked my gut for a good year, then while that was...
  3. FeelingsFlight

    Just got a diagnosis!

    Hi, I'm Kai. I only realised I had fibromyalgia maybe 8 or so months ago. I saw two doctors before my current doctor, who gave me my diagnosis in May! I was sooo relieved. I'm young, and most of my life so far has been struggling with being disabled. On the one hand, it's rough that I'm losing...
  4. Q

    I'm new here

    Hi! My name is Linda and I was given a fibro diagnosis at the beginning of May. I believe this is something I've been dealing with for awhile though (as I'm sure it is for most people that finally get the diagnosis). For me, getting the diagnosis was a big relief. I certainly wasn't looking to...
  5. D

    hi. I'm another newbie

    Hi! I'm relatively new to the forum, and was looking for advice. I'm 38, diagnosed for around 10 years, and having a lot of trouble holding down a full time job. the pain, fog, and fatigue are so bad, working a full 40 hour work week just isn't possible. I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia...
  6. M

    Rheumatologist Revelation...

    I was referred to a rheumatologist and got an authorization to see him the other day, so I made an appointment. Upon getting there, I find that a staff member is in the waiting room selling vitamins and vitamin shots in the front office and also leading prayers and reading from the bible. This...
  7. S

    Another Dr. , Another frustration - when will I know what's wrong?

    Sigh, all I want for Christmas is a doctor who will figure out what the heck is wrong with me! :confused: So my rheumatologist does not treat Fibro, he "only excludes it as a possibility" None of the tests he ran came back with a clue as to what might be the cause of my fatigue, muscle pain...
  8. S

    It's about to get really bad...

    I suffer endometriosis, and my cycle is just starting. I'm feeling the first little indications of the cramping right now. There is also a nasty thunderstorm that's about to hit, and I'm getting bits of pain in my legs and arms from that. The cramping is going to be out of control in the next...
  9. M

    Greetings Earthings!

    After nearly 20 years of having fibro, I figured I needed some fellow support. Since no one in my family knows what it's like, it's hard for them to understand, as you all well know. A little background. I have been married nearly 22 years and have three children - 20, 19, and 16. I'm also a...
  10. Trellum

    Pain in the middle of the shoulder bladdes

    Hi there! Just wondering if anyone here experiences upper back pain... right in the middle of the shoulder blades. I must admit that I've been suffering form pain so long... since my early teens that I'm not even sure how long that pain has been with me or if it feels any different now than...