
  1. N

    Diagnosed in mid Feb 2020

    Hi everyone, I’m a 37 year old male that was recently diagnosed with FMS. This diagnosis has been pretty tough for me as I have been in the military for the last 19 years, and health has never given me issues until here recently. In Oct of 2019 I randomly started having sever...
  2. S

    Diagnosed but uncertian if correct

    Hi All, I need some advise and help About 12 months I went to the doctors as I was always fatigue, I felt I could just fall asleep where ever I was. I felt like I sleep through out the night and doesn't matter how much sleep I got I was still so tired. Blood test came back ok so the doctor...
  3. J

    Diagnosed in January 2020

    Hi everyone, This is my first time ever joining a forum or using one. I am 35, married, two kids and two dogs. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at the end of January 2020. I went through blood work, x-rays, etc. The best way to describe my symptoms is it feels like my body is destroying...
  4. A

    Recently diagnosed

    Hi all, After 4 years of going back and forth to doctors I was diagnosed at the beginning of this year. I have random joint pain in my shoulders, hips, hands and feet. I also have days where I physically cannot get out of bed. I am quite active and over the years have meditated, CBT - basically...
  5. wilkesjosiah

    Newly Diagnosed : Decreased tolerance to Exercise

    Hello everyone , I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia for 5 months now. Over the last few weeks I have felt as if I have completly lost my ability to exercise. A few months ago I was able to do 40 kg on a leg press at the gym but today i could only handle 10kg. I am also noticing getting...
  6. K

    Recently diagnosed

    Hi all, I have been struggling with chronic pain for many years, I have had mri scans etc etc. finally been diagnosed with something which was Fibromyalgia. My worst pain is at night hardly sleep and is so painful I don’t know what to do with myself! My worst pain is in my chest, shoulder...
  7. longtimer

    HI There! I've just been diagnosed

    I've just been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia - though my doctor did suggest this last year to me, but I was busy getting spinal surgery and put it off till just recently when I had my yearly physical. The surgery went well last summer, but in the last 3 months my pain has flared all over my body...
  8. Nuala50

    Diagnosed in Aug, flaring badly

    Hi all, I'm new to fibro as a reality, though ill for 3.5 years with various 'diagnoses' e.g. IBS, depression. Feeling crazy, sore and mad as a cat the last few weeks and today was the last straw. My blurry eyes really affected my driving all day and I scraped the side of my neighbour's van with...
  9. sjbrown

    Newly diagnosed

    Been a long hard ride. Over a year of hell that started off with what was thought to be an ear infection. Most of my issues were related to my head; ears, sinuses, jaw. I had other aches and pains but nothing compared to what I felt in my head and chest and still feel. When something affects...
  10. I

    Newly Diagnosed but Runs In Family .....

    Just recently diagnosed with fibro but have been suffering with it a long time while my Dr kept telling me the symptoms were all in my head or attributed to my spinal issues.:evil: Fibro runs in our family so its not new, I've seen what it does, and I'm really dreading living like this the rest...