How are you today?

I fell, I just fell, I fell over a bottle of my cream (dry skin) the top broke (all went over the floor) my Weetabix fell (I only went to get sugar from the kitchen!) well the Weetabix all splodged over the carpet (looking like something I'd rather not say) this is the best bit, not only did i get it on the carpet (expected) it was on the wall, the door AND the ceiling!!!, I've been cleaning my ceiling with a long brush (adding flash among other things) i only wanted a bit sweeter (imma take the sugar to my bix next time ) AND my bowl's broke (it was picnic type) 🙄🙃🥣
Oh dear @Auriel 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗

Now, I think the gremlins have taken the partying a bit too far that time :D:D:D

Lots of hugs, seriously, I understand how easily things like that get one flattened. I struggled with my arms to get a couple of blankets washed that a cat had sprayed. Only to have her do it again a couple of days later. Just not fair !!!

Take care, lots of hugs 🤗🤗🤗
Thankyou @BlueBells I'm a terror for falling + trip's (and stupid clutsy accidents) I twisted my ankle a bit ( + from the feel ill have some bruising) I found more Weetabix on the opposite wall I missed (and found some more up my leg an hour later 🤣💥)
oh dear @Auriel 🤗 🤗 :):)

You really are in the wars!

I have days where I am off balance and wobble drunkenly down the passage, so far not fallen (except into the wall) so I try to minimise everything, but still need to eat and wash clothes. And..feed the cats :) I will walk fairy steps when not sure, and stand still until I think my balance can handle steps.

It's funny how now and then I talk about something and realise, this is just natural for me, I've done it all my life, and worn a lot of criticism for it, but it's not really bothering me now that I know the gremlins have a name 🐉🐉🐉:D:D:D

My biggest issue is not so much the off-balance, but the loss of grip. I refuse to drive if I'm not positive I can steer around corners, not worth the risk. I'm in a small town and very short walk to the shop, so I don't have to drive, thank goodness. I was meant to go to town for an appt yesterday, but grounded myself for safety. I'll be fine in a few days (I hope lol ).
Hey @Auriel sending hugs to you today. Its a nasty shock to the system physically and emotionally when you take a tumble.

So youve cleaned up the mess, please make make sure you spend some gentle time on yourself today. My balance has always ( touch wood! ) been pretty good but I do some specific balance exercises every now and again just to help my body ' remember '. Go easy on yourself today and get ready to choose a pretty new cereal bowl to make you smile.💖
Hey @BlueBells I think I'm gonna take some tips (no idea what you'd be criticised for, for needing to do things a certain way?) Yes @SBee I fell (and got Weetabix everywhere, even on the ceiling!) yeah slightly worse for ware today (next time I'm wandering round with cerial I'm gonna take fairy steps too)🕊️👍🏻😄
Hey @BlueBells I think I'm gonna take some tips (no idea what you'd be criticised for, for needing to do things a certain way?) Yes @SBee I fell (and got Weetabix everywhere, even on the ceiling!) yeah slightly worse for ware today (next time I'm wandering round with cerial I'm gonna take fairy steps too)🕊️👍🏻😄
Oh that story sounds all too familiar 😀
Still love to know how you cereal got on the roof🤔🤣
My little dog cleans up most mess befor I get the mop.
sorry to hear your hurting from the fall.
Need a little snack trolly so you can put everything on it and push it to where your going to eat it.
Hi @Auriel

(no idea what you'd be criticised for, for needing to do things a certain way?)
Things like not moving fast enough, acting like I can't move like they can, etc etc. Most of it was ex and son (daddy's little boy) I fell at a park once, full of visitors, and they just stood around telling me to get up, and that I shouldn't have fallen .... those who've been there know what I mean. Frightfully embarrassed. That was also the holiday I was told that if I couldn't pull my act together, I'd better leave. Hmmmm.

Auriel, I must admit, on the ceiling is very impressive indeed :D :D :D :D

With balance, I try very hard to remember not to over-reach, but rather move closer, like, reaching over the table, better to walk to the other side. I try to keep as upright as possible, when feeling wobbly, as it keeps the centre of balance closer and less likely to go over, hence fairy steps and holding things close to my chest , little things I don't really think about until I'm writing it down now. Life long habits ;)
It got on my ceiling @Harpy (if it got on the roof, that would be something else!!!) if i hadn't had looked up, i wouldn't have known? Put more
doggy pictures up harpy
ps, I don't like Weetabix anymore.
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I'm sooo glad you put "ex" yeah that attitude shows a narcissistic, controlling empathy deficit kind of nature (we like bluebells without that ex) 🤗🌸😚
@Auriel oh heck, that's quite a spill, you did a good job getting it on the ceiling too 😂

It can take us a while to clean up after mishaps, I hope you've felt better since and kept out of trouble 👍

Ohhh, wasn't weetabix fault. Don't give up a fav food. I'm thinking like weet-bix here. The jingle I grew up with "Aussie kids are Weet bix kids".

Yeah, weird re ex. I still work with them, ie, business, but also help when they need it like right now. Going both ways for now, we are both renovating houses and assisting where we can.

I am very aware of attitude/nature though, and although I've accepted that is what he is, I'm not sure he is capable of accepting how he behaves, nor that I really do have issues I cannot control. A counsellor, a psychologist, actually, said people with that type of nature do not have the capacity to realise it, and so far no medication or therapy has proven successful in helping.

The typical bully that cries victim, but they believe they truly are right and that they are the victim. Anyway, I'm learning to stand my ground, and that, after 50 odd years, family from childhood , is pretty good !!! Proud of me :D :D :D
A counsellor, a psychologist, actually, said people with that type of nature do not have the capacity to realise it, and so far no medication or therapy has proven successful in helping.
I remember one time my therapist telling me something that has always stuck with me, and that I have said to others. I was saying, about my very abusive ex, "How could they do that to me??".
And my therapist said, "You have to realize it had nothing to do with you. That is simply how that person operates in the world."
Well @BlueBells, I was kind of a Weet- bix kid that night (it was a part of me , at the top of my leg 😄) I was fancying biscuits (but opted for a healthier option with bix)
Re, the ex, they want to be seen in a certain way (or more the point, they don't want to be seen OR see themselves as they are or what they've done) black and white thinking (it's them right good, and you wrong bad, i know that's not the case, but its the stuck mindset) Anyway, hope everyone's having an ok day/night 💜🧚🏻‍♀️🤍
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