How are you today?

I'm waiting for the results of a Personal Independence Payment review. It's the first time I've had a review, hopefully at the least I'll be left alone. Otherwise I've added details on the chronic pains that have appeared in the few years since winning my tribunal.
Nerve sensations following injuries can be strange and frustrating. Since injuring my hamstrings if I sit on a chair that puts more pressure on them use an exercise bike, they flare up painfully along with restless legs. The right gets some numbness, mostly in the foot which feels cold / wet. Today is the second time this week it's happened although I've avoided hard chairs. Perhaps I slept awkwardly or sat up higher in bed and stretched the legs more. Paced around a bit today to try and loosen up, but the bugger has my foot quite numb 🤦‍♂️
@Badger badger
best of luck with the PIP review. I ts quite unsettling atm with all the rumours and potential changes that may ( or may not ) be going on with the old Government doing their review and Labour not yet revealing their own stance on PIP. Adds to anxiety. I submitted my application a couple of months ago but anticipate an assessment and maybe an appeal.
let us know how it goes for you.

Would heat packs help with the leg pains, to relax things a bit?
A friend of mine mentioned with his PIP review he received a phone call rather than a home visit. Frustratingly the person he spoke to was a secretary reading from a script and not a professional. I'm bracing myself for what may follow with this labour government.

Hopefully your application process won't be too stressful but I can appreciate anticipating a possible appeal.

I might try a TENS unit on my leg, the sensation was quite strong last night.
Did the TENS help @Badger? My husband used one very successfully for a long term back pain. I tried it once ... For about 3 seconds, because my body hated the sensation even on the lowest settings

I'm definitely suspicious of what the Labour government may decide in due course re PIP. If they are willing to throw pensioners under the wheels by withdrawing winter fuel allowance for so many millions whats next? Unless due to that back lash they may prefer to hold fire on major benefit changes to win back some favour?

i did send in reams of supporting evidence from drs and consultants and parts of my own medical records so time will tell how it goes. I did see th e DWP are altering the way they carry out assessments maybe phone is the preferred method now?
I didn't get around to using the TENS, fortunately my leg is not so bad today. The small TENS I have doesn't seem too bad on a low setting but it can depend where it's used.

Hopefully your application will be okay with all the supporting evidence. I had hoped my medical records would include letters from physios to the surgery, but it was just a summary.