Hmm, I tried to halve my last post, but got just outside the 120min edit limit... But this is 'moan, complain and vent' and that's what I turned out doing, for a change...
Now I still want to specify things, if only for myself, because I haven't really got my head around what's changing yet. Understanding & praps help appreciated...
I have been in a full flare for a year now, haven't been working since Jan20, and it hasn't ended, because if I didn't keep on my toes every second of the day I would still be in considerable pain. But because I am getting each symptom down to zero faster and faster, the amount of single symptoms may be 50-100, but the *time-amount of them is usually perhaps less than an hour per day and an hour per night.
My pain diary has changed completely. I used to have almost 30 symptom areas (abbreviated) which I scaled from 1-10, usually 3-6 (7 meaning having to cry because of them) and wrote down roughly how many hours a day they were there. Then in many cases it turned from how long to how often per day. And now I can neglect most of them and it's mainly the Ache, exhaustibility, stiffness & tiredness, plus feverishness (after strain), joint and back pains, so about 8 symptom areas. So nothing like it used to be. But I'll still have a lot of difficulty working and I still depend on the cryo 4x a week + acupressure once a week.
You are right, tho, in that I seem to be a "rare one", not because I "know the cure", but because I don't just *want to do everything, I *do everything I can all the time, to get it under control, because I am blessed with (quite some) self-discipline and an ascetic capability of abstaining from "normal things" and looking for alternatives, and because with the motivation & energy to do so and with having been able to stay off work to do so, without losing my job, getting paid, and getting all docs & all attempts paid...
In that sense it is not at all necessary to tell docs all this. *Because I am praps a rare one. But it seems to help telling others, because I'm not alone, there quite a few people on the forums I'm on who are using what I'm experiencing. OTOH I *am "talking" (summarized) to all docs and pleasantly surprising them, because they are not used to hyperactive patients like me... ;-) I do *very much understand tho if people look at what I'm doing perplexed, because if you're not built this way, having FMS or even CFS is not at all a good condition for changing it. But praps in baby steps, as ever...