(ALC Acetyl L-carnitine): fog, energy, inflamm., lipids (but ineffective with, so only alternate to LC (carnitine) or PLC)): 3(-4)x0.5g/d |
(Arginine L- (amino acid) CVD): 2-3x2g/d |
(B3 Niacin CVD: 3x50mg/d incr., careful: flushing!) |
B6 as P5P supports GABA, sleep: 1x40mg/d |
B12 Methylcobalamin (I get 5mg s.c. every 1-2 months) |
Carnitine, L-carnitine (LC): as tartrate, not HCl! e.g. Carnipure; amino acid derivative, so like them) for energy, lipoprotein (a); 1-4g/d |
D3 (+K2, best as MK7): 1x20k IE/w |
GABA Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid: sleep/relaxation, fog, pains, ache, stiffness, anxiety: 2g(4x0.3-0.6g) (start with 125mg) |
ginkgo biloba (higher amount of active terpenes and bioflavonoids): fog, inflammation, energy?, lipids: 2x60-120mg |
glutamine L-glutamine: sleep/relaxation. Stiffness? (3x03.-0.5g) |
magnesium glycinate: fog 3x50mg net, or 6x if only one type of mg |
magnesium malate: pain, ache, fog 3x45mg net, or 6x if only one type of mg |
mumijo (3-4 week stints, 10 days without): energy, pain/ache, inflammation, antioxidant, IBS, stiffness, anxiety, lipids: 2x0.2g |
NAC N-acetylcysteine (derivative of amino acids): sleep/relaxation, fog, energy, pains, infl., antiox., anxiety, blood clots. 1-5x0.5g. sfx?! |
NADH (B3-coenzyme, not with meals/acids)(?): fog, energy, pains, antioxidant, stiffness, bp.: 2,5mg-20mg; may be difficult: sfx?! |
Omega 3 Ω3: microalgae! Fish & algae: organic DHA-rich: Schizochytrium sp.: pains, infl., stiffness, bp.: 1x5ml |
Passiflora: sleep/relaxation, antioxidant?, bp.: I need 4x289mg, double the recommended amount |
Pectin (CVD) & Psyllium (IBS) |
PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone): energy, inflammation, antioxidant: 10-20mg/d |
Q10 CoQ10 (normal is ubiquinone, more bioavailable, but less research: ubiquinol): sleep, energy, pain, gum inflamm., lipids, CVD, unclots. |
Quercetin (polyphenol like resv): Sleep/relaxation, lipids, bp.: 1x0.5g |
(Resveratrol (polyphenol): lipids, bp, vessels: 2x0.4g) |
Rhodiola rosea rose wort, rose root: sleep, inflammation, lipids, bp.: 2x0.2g |
Ribose, D-, sugar: fog, energy: 0-6x0.2g (GI-sfx for me, so just "sugary energy" if needed!) |
SAM-e, SAMe: energy, pain, inflammation, stiffness: 1(-4?)x0.2g |
Selenium (<6 months): fog, energy, antioxidant, CVD, thyroid. 1x200mcg |
Serrapeptase enzyme (stuffy nose; away from meals): sleep, pain, inflammation, CVD, vessels, unclots: 3x2x125kSP |
theanine, L- amino acid: sleep, fog, anxiety: 2x0.1g |
(zinc (bisglycinate: praps with meal, picolinate: before): inflammation: 1x25mg) |