To: Unicorn Lisa, I’ve had Fibromyalgia/CFS, and other health issues for many years. Never, in 44+ years, did I lose my hair. However, four years ago for a length of time of two years, my hair fell out by the handfuls every single day. I normally have very thick hair, but my scalp became visible.
My hair loss was due to low thyroid, hypothyroidism. I kept telling my doctor that the medicine “Armour Thyroid” also called NP Thyroid, was not working. He would not listen. I changed doctors.
Now, I take Synthroid (brand name, which my doctor says is chemically different from Levothyroxine, the so-called generic form of Synthroid) and Liothyronine. I also take Iodine liquid and capsules as supplements. My hair has grown back. I feel better.
Best wishes, I hope you find answers. Keep on, keeping on. Believe in yourself; YOU KNOW YOUR BODY better than anyone else.
Also, write/ journal, keep written records. Your own notes will benefit you later. BHB