just bought myself another small one that wraps around with velcro on the end
Ah, I'll be digging our 3rd, small, one out too, a 'dressed up' one.
Got none with velcro, but reminds me of our 5-6 spelt/grain bags, 3 with long
cords, but pretty big and heavy. One reason for not using them is they keep the heat less well than my hot water bottles, altho the 2 big ones are naked pure rubber. Strange, cos I keep reading grain is sposed to keep the heat better. Another reason is that I don't really like using the microwave and at night I'd wake my wife up using it, not with the water boiler. I've learned to fill it in the dark, even with eyes closed. As boiling water would be too hot without covers, I either turn it off at a certain noise level (which would scald less when filling if I miss) or more often now I leave a rest of cold water in there and fill up with boiling water, so I can do my 'other sleep break things' and get back to bed faster.
(We now save the water rest from all the hot water bottles for the flowers, as I researched that that is no problem, and also recently for the wild birds on the balcony and in the garden, altho I'm not sure if that's OK for them, and I can't find anything about that, except that it's not dramatic to drink that water once, it just gets musty if you re-use it, which we'd need an extra water boiler for, which isn't worth it, unless we find one used.)
Back to the truth behind
@Auriel's thinking I tolerate the cold: I do make sure I'm always warm, so don't usually get cold pain, so in that sense I do "tolerate" the cold, as I've learnt to adapt to it, and so it's lost all of its sting and threat. Apart from warmer clothing, I need to keep the time I'm outside down, and keep moving, which again keeps the time I'm outside down too, cos of exhaustibility - an hour max.
For outside I always have an emergency kit with me: rain legs and iron filing pads which heat up when opened for hands and feet.
Like all triggers it's a case of calmly! avoiding, preventing, alleviating, and especially balancing. Since I can't think of anything that isn't a trigger for something in my body, this balancing is most important - e.g. each possible posture, all life necessities, everything that's "fun" are all triggers, so I need to balance them all by calmly continually quickly switching what I do and how.
When I said above I don't know what I could add on next, that's unnecessarily dramatizing:
Firstly, I can put mittens and a winter jacket on inside, also carry the hot water bottles around more, put iron filing pads on.
And secondly, I will always think of something, and thirdly if I don't, "you" will. There's always help to be found.
Another problem with the cold is
chapped lips and hands (which can then start bleeding), whether I cream them often or just occasionally. My wife claims she has a brilliant cream for "that". Which I'll be trying (I think: again), if not just to prove her wrong... She usually remembers I'm different, but sometimes she has to get it proven.