So sick of having no energy. I'm new to the forum, just looking for support bc i feel so alone and feel like no one gets it

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I'm a grumbledum when im too warm aswell, it's all about finding the goldilock's spot 😉
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I would much rather be cold and wrap up warm than hot and unable to cool myself down - that just makes me irritable and cranky. Either way I can flare, so I try to stay somewhere between the two.
Totally agree, Fimi... much easier to add more layers than to try to go the other way..
I remember getting all hot and bothered in the Summer this year, which was one of the warmest we've had here in England for a long time.
Everyone was out lapping up the sunshine - sun lotion in hand ... with me looking out through the window ice pack in hand!!!
Oh the joys!
I must admit @JamieMarc, florida sunshine does sound a lot more appealing than drizzly uk, even though I couldn't tolerate it! Glad it doesn't affect you though.
When I was younger, I used to wish I'd been born somewhere warmer, but now I've completely changed and just couldn't hack it. Strange how we can change...:)
@fimi I have friends in England, so I'm pretty familiar with what the weather is typically like over there. Not to mention it being colder, but also the rain and gray days would be difficult for me with my depression. For me, there is nothing like fresh air, blue skies and sunshine to lift my spirits. 🥰
All of that being said, I hope someday I will be able to visit the UK. 🙏
This is my first time joining a forum. Just surprised people are so pathetic to actually look for problems and hound people like that. Sorry to hear that.
This is my first time joining a forum. Just surprised people are so pathetic to actually look for problems and hound people like that. Sorry to hear that.

Hi @Redbird88J, I'm a bit late welcoming you to the forum, but welcome! :) Hope it helps you in some way.

I'm guessing the above post of yours is in the wrong thread? Unless I'm missing something (as I've been known to do!)
Same cookiebaker cold gets to me too (though jay's complete opposite) 🤷🏼‍♀️
Don't believe that... 😜 - cold and hot weather both hurt me. It's just that 30 second bursts of cold usually help reset me.
However I tried 3 minute whole body cryotherapy again a few weeks ago and it gave me several local pains back, like a stiff neck.
And these first 3-4 weeks after the jab, like the other jabs, I don't even manage pure cold showers anymore, need to alternate.... 🥶 😰
Oh, I thought you were good with the cold! , I remember you telling us about how cold showers help you sleep (and something about snow, or that could've been someone else ) 🤔
I remember you telling us about how cold showers help you sleep (and something about snow, or that could've been someone else ) 🤔
Hehe - you're right with cold showers, whilst "something about snow" might've been someone else saying they lie in the snow, similar.
But it's very short stints of cold making me warm via dilation which protects me against longer cold.
Which can only work if the body is fairly warm in the first place, like in summer, or overheating using a thick hoodie or hot water bottles first.
Or like at the moment: 40'' warm, 10'' cold shower, 30'' warm, 15'' cold. Then 1 or 2 hot water bottles.
So these cold stints help numb pain and unrest, reset hot flashes, and heat, and protect me against the cold, not to make me cold. 😊
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