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New member
May 17, 2017
Hi! I actually joined the forum over a month ago. I thought it was about time to say hi and thank everyone for the posts and info I have gotten from here. It is so much better to hear it from people that are experiencing it. Some of my symptoms have been brushed over because they didn't necessarily fall into the trigger point checklist. Kind of made me feel crazy but then I searched things on this forum and yep, I am not the only one! I have a million questions but would like to start with 2.

On Saturday I started having some jaw pain on my right side. Figured I had a tooth going bad (which is nothing new for me). By Monday the pain was horrendous. So bad I couldn't even drive myself to the dentist. He took ex rays of both top and bottom and it showed a problem where I had a filling that had come out. I told him to pull it. I refuse to have any more root canals! As soon as the novacain began to wear off the pain came back just as bad. By the next morning the whole left side of my face was swollen. Even my eyeball felt like it was being squeezed. Horrible headache. ER doc decided to treat it like sinusitis and gave me an antibiotic. It is Thursday night now and I think the swelling is going down some but I can barely open my mouth enough to get pills in to swallow. I called my primary this afternoon (she is on vacation) but have an appt with another doc in the office. Part of me feels like it is a waste to go to see them. How do decide what is Fibro and what isn't? The medical bills are crazy but the pain is scary. I am 99 percent sure it's not sinusitis though. I have been out of work all week which is a story for another thread.

The 2nd question is sort of the same. During my visits working towards a diagnosis, one complaint was itching. Severe at time on front of neck and back and sides of head. The neck area has let up some but the head remains itchy on and off. The last 2 times that I have had my hair colored, my head has went nuts. I am 45 and never been allergic to hair color. Last week my entire body was itching. Lasted about 4 days. No rashes anywhere. I'm afraid if I bring this up at the doctors office they will want to do allergy testing. Would it be helpful or should I just chalk it up to the Fibro? Nothing has changed as far as soaps, lotions, etc. I think it's my body that has changed. Like I told my husband, I should be grateful it's not pain like my arms and next the itching has come really close to driving me insane.

Well this was really long for a first post but any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks again to all that post on this forum. It has been a wealth of knowledge and comfort!

Hi Dawn and welcome! Sorry you are going through the jaw pain and sounds like an infection there, too. To address your itching, I have a spot on my back that always itches and there is no rash or bite. I get sunburn type pain on my scalp and flank. Fibro is so crazy. I think our central nervous system goes hay wire in response to all stimuli. I think if the itching persists it is certainly something to bring to the doctor's attention, simply to get some relief if there is any. Allergy testing can run up your medical bills for sure. Try some good lotion that people with eczema use? Speaking of eczema, that is something that is autoimmune like Lupus. Any who, I am not a doctor but I am listening. Smile!
After I read your post I had to go flipping through all my notes on all the crazy symptoms I have experienced up to now and when . Before diagnosed with fibro I have been dealing with very bad sinusitis problem without sinus infection, my face get swollen all over when that happen every time and my allergies went crazy as always . Things that I never allergic before starting to become severely allergic to such as ..
1. crazy glue which including all the same type glues , my eyes will be completely swell on shut I'll be blind for a few days at least including itchiness. I can't even walk pass by nail salons without cover my eyes and nose, I had once tried permanent eye lash extensions the glue they used were similar type so that I had to pay them again to get it taken out cause even when it was so mild my eye lid was already burning and swollen.

2. Latex this is a tricky one cause I have to warn every doctors and dentist not to ever used it on me otherwise I either can't breath beside swollen and if there were any surgery I would go to shock and obsessively throwing up possibly difficult recovery.

Now all this started before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia but it took a lot longer to diagnosed my fibro ( took years) cause I was at the time dealing with possible cancer, luckily no cancer , sadly fibromyalgia instead.

Now my teeth is completely ruin do to stress with acid saliva and enamel lost and eating away exposing my teeth inside closer to gum looks like cavities faster than I can patch it, the tips of my front teeth chipping and brittle crumbling down like sand especially when my stress get worsen. I use baking soda to brush my teeth and on high alkaline diet to keep it from getting worse.I have to take high D3 supplement including K2 vitamin and extra calcium both diet and supplements to help it get strong enough for me to chew food. Dried mouth also a cause of bad sinusitis. I take lots of sinus/allergies medicine , sinus rinse , and stick with all the menthol products. My jaw hurts like hell it click loudly when I open and close which is a sign of stress. I use that microwave bean bag sag thingy for moist heat compression it's very good to wrap around jaws cover ears and back of the head. If the pains still very bad and you can't find any thing to help try pressing the tip of your thumb down on the center top of your head to relieve any headaches or facial aching while relaxing your face and shoulder. You only need to apply the pressure of your finger by using the weight of your arms down with no force.
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