Panic attacks

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What time of day are you taking the magnesium glycinate? Today I noticed I already have some in my medicine cabinet. Just curious.
What time of day are you taking the magnesium glycinate? Today I noticed I already have some in my medicine cabinet. Just curious.
I started out taking it in the evening because it made me sleepy on the higher dose, but that seemed to last right through the next day. Now I've dropped the dose down, I'm taking it in the morning. It's not impacting my alertness, but feels to me like it has a calming effect about half an hour after I take it. I'm always suspicious of how much these things are placebo, but the last supplement I tried (lysine) did absolutely nothing, so that makes me feel hopeful that it's actually doing the trick.

Interestingly, I read this morning that - as magnesium glycinate is one magnesium and two glycine molecules - glycine may have its own rewards. From Psychology Today: "As a neurotransmitter, glycine both stimulates and inhibits cells in the brain and central nervous system, affecting cognition, mood, appetite and digestion, immune function, pain perception, and sleep. Glycine is also involved in the production of other biochemicals that influence these body functions.

Hope that helps! 🧞‍♂️
I find that a 2-5 mg CBD gummy helps with that. I find them very calming.
Yes I did have these fast heart beats. it was really scary. my heart rate is now down to around 60 . i feel much calmer and not living in fear.All down to some meds my doctor prescribed. AMAZING.
Yes I did have these fast heart beats. it was really scary. my heart rate is now down to around 60 . i feel much calmer and not living in fear.All down to some meds my doctor prescribed. AMAZING.
Yes I did have these fast heart beats. it was really scary. my heart rate is now down to around 60 . i feel much calmer and not living in fear.All down to some meds my doctor prescribed. AMAZING.
Yes I did have these fast heart beats. it was really scary. my heart rate is now down to around 60 . i feel much calmer and not living in fear.All down to some meds my doctor prescribed. AMAZING.
I'm happy to answer - especially if it helps!

I've been going through supplement studies and reviews and trying different things to help with five main issues: pain, fog, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. I read a bunch of stuff about all the different magnesium variations, and found quite a lot of content and reviews suggesting that glycinate in particular is helpful for depression, anxiety, and sleep issues. Magnesium also gets mentioned for fibro quite a bit, so I decided to try it.

So says WebMD: "Magnesium is very important for the normal functioning of cells, nerves, muscles, bones, and the heart."

From an NIH study: "magnesium is a mineral of intense interest for the potential prevention and treatment of neurological disorders. Current literature is reviewed for migraine, chronic pain, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and stroke, as well as the commonly comorbid conditions of anxiety and depression"

I'm using a product from a brand called KAL - Magnesium Glycinate 400. I started trying to take 400mg per day but found it made me sleepy, so dropped to 200, and then to 100 (half a tablet). I'd been experiencing raging anxiety since around Christmas - some panic attacks, but more a kind of frantic feeling very low mood,, jumping in the night, worrying at 1000 miles per hour! I wasn't expecting much - it's just magnesium after all - but I feel like all the noise has been turned right down, the panic feeling has almost entirely gone, and my thoughts are calm. I'm sleeping much better too. Maybe I've been magnesium deficient for years without realising, or maybe it's effecting me in some other way, but I'm pretty happy about it!
never tried magnesium glycinate but when you mentioned it the first time i bought it to give it a shot. they will deliver it today. hope it works (fingers crossed) :)
never tried magnesium glycinate but when you mentioned it the first time i bought it to give it a shot. they will deliver it today. hope it works (fingers crossed) :)
I really, really hope so too! 🤞🤞🤞
But if you have an anxiety disorder, they come randomly. Middle of the day, you are just walking or reading, and wham here it is. No trigger specifically.
I have an anxiety disorder and, while the attacks always appeared to be random, I have been able to gradually identify triggers over the years.
after how long that you have been taking it you realize it is working?
I felt it almost immediately, and would say I had the full effect after only a couple of weeks. It's still holding - I have to say, I'm completely amazed! Of course, I'm still having my ups and downs in terms of pain and feeling low, but the anxiety specifically has substantially improved. If you try it, I hope it works for you too. As I said, perhaps I'd had a deficiency for years (decades?!) that had never been addressed, or maybe it's working in a different way. Fascinating stuff!
After coming across GABA on a fibro-forum and with fairly lasting improvement on 10 symptoms since 2 months now on, I came across Trudy Scott's antianxiety diet blog, webpage and book, since she has a lot of experience with GABA and other amino acids as well as diet changes (based on the Mood Cure book by Julia Ross). The book gives a lot of basics for people wanting to improve anxiety via diet. As I'm already on that diet anyway with my elimination/IBSD & Mediterranean diet and I also no longer have anxiety, the book isn't helping me that much, but reading all kinds of experiences on the blog is. But I'm open minded as to whether my stiffness which the GABA has pretty much blown away is a kind of physical anxiety via muscle tension and muscle tone. On the blog and in the book you can do 4 tests for low GABA, low serotonin, low endorphins, low catecholamines, low blood sugar and are then guided to the suiting amino acids (GABA; tryptophan/5-HTP; DPA; tyrosine; glutamine) in the hope of being able to be able to reduce them once the diet starts taking over.
My result made my acupressurist feel like trying the GABA too, is taking much less (200mg sublingually) than me (750mg) but with worse side effects than I had in the first 10 days (weird dreams, stiffness and more pain) and no positive effects. I've suggested she stop immediately and go down to a 'pixie dust' amount. I'll give her the book tho. She in turn found Schüßler (Schuessler) salts (Nr. 7) got rid of all side effects. And whaddayaknow Nr 7 is magnesium phosphoricum in D6 potency. So she gave me her Schuessler book and said look if something fits: First look: Nothing fits :o) 8-). That was my impression when I tried that before too...
That's the thing about anxiety and panic attacks........most of the time there is no "why". They can, of course, be triggered by something and in that case the person knows what that trigger is, the vast majority of the time.

But if you have an anxiety disorder, they come randomly. Middle of the day, you are just walking or reading, and wham here it is. No trigger specifically.

I always advocate for people doing yoga or meditation if it works for them. But as with everything else, it won't work for everyone, and if you have an anxiety disorder it may not be a solution at all.
depends on what kind of an anxiety disorder you have and what kind of treatment you're getting

I did not necessarily assume that anything specific would work for the OP. That's why I *asked.* It never hurts to try, and you will never know if it's a solution for you unless you try.
depends on what kind of an anxiety disorder you have and what kind of treatment you're getting

I did not necessarily assume that anything specific would work for the OP. That's why I *asked.* It never hurts to try, and you will never know if it's a solution for you unless you try.
Right, as I said, this or that may not work for everyone. But trying things is always a good way to start. If one thing doesn't work, try another.
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