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Need to vent


Senior member
May 16, 2017
Im not normally a poor me kind of person, and ive been doing pretty well for a couple months, now though my flare ups are next level, its currently 2:30am and ive been awake since 1am. And it is a rough one 😔 and its like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, i know lack of sleep will make things worse but i also know that worrying about that will also make things worse 🤦‍♀️
Just needed to vent to those that get it
@hope23 not only do I get it, but the same thing happened to me at 2AM in my time zone. Wide awake, and worrying about things that in the daytime I wouldn't ever worry about. Going over and over in my mind about things that are not even a big deal or that happened years stupid of my brain to do this. I did eventually get back to sleep for another hour, but up all too early. And yes I know exactly the feeling of knowing that this means the next day will probably not be a good one, and how that makes it even worse. I empathize with you completely.
Thank you @sunkacola i unfortunately did not get back to sleep 🤦‍♀️ ive gotta take it easy today for sure, now 5:10am and kinda wishing i could crawl out of my body, it is so frustrating and your so right when your awake like that your brain and thoughts go to some bizarre places!
I know. Some times I really wish I could just shut my brain off with a switch!
There is a lot of things to do with our bodies that it would be nice to have a switch for to turn it off
Omgosh!! I absolutely do this to myself! I recollect conversations I’ve had days ago to years ago and can’t believe I did or didn’t say something! It’s absolutely annoying how these things will eat at me! I however, don’t do it at night, I am up all day spiraling out of control! I can’t ever figure out what brings it on, or how to control it, but some days are worse than others for sure. If only I could figure out the trigger, maybe I could gain control of it. I never used to do this when I was younger, it has just progressively gotten worse in the last 5 years. I’m wondering if this is because my pain has gotten significantly worse over that time as well. Either way, it’s truly frustrating and consumes way too much of my brain space. Why is it that I can recall dumb conversations that literally mean nothing, but I can’t recall important things?
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