Is anyone else worse in the morning?

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This usually happens to adults. If you have something that is very stressful and tiring such as fibromyalgia, it will be even more difficult to deal with it and your mornings will be really bad.
Question; does anyone else have (or is it common with fibro) worse symptoms especially stiffness, muscle pain in the morning? I am REALLY bad when I first wake up, and don't feel human till around 11am (I get up at 6:30-7ish). I also have severe chills in the morning, like for and hour to an hour and a half after waking. Anyone else experience these? Thanks! :-)

Yeah I'm not the only one. Oh Kerrie I know just what you mean. It's one of the reason I work second shift.
Yes, I've been waking up in the morning as if someone beat me up with a baseball bat the night before for over 30 years! My mom has fibro and now my daughter. Try to get restful sleep with meds, etc. to get into rem stage 4 sleep, then I wake up early, slowly move, take a bath, coffee, eat, get ready for work, pray. . . I don't feel human until 11:00 a.m. either. Some days during flare ups, I can't function at all because of pain and stiffness. :neutral: Acceptance and know your limitations, verbalize them by saying, "I would love to attend your . . . or help with . . .but can we do that another day?" Some days are much better than others but the "feels like I've been beat up," is what my mom has been saying and felling like for more than 55 years. She's still going, even though slowly.:razz:
When I was ten I had a very bad skate-boarding accident and injured my spine. It has given me problems for my whole life. I had several x-rays and went to 2 specialists who said I had herniated disks in my back. The specialist said he could do surgery but was worried that if it failed I would be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. I decided not to go ahead with surgery. I have had to learn to live with this pain. I basically block out the pain as much as I can. So yes I have had a bad spinal injury when I was young. I am going to check out that link you gave us. It could have something to do with all the pain I have suffered over the years.
My husband is definitely a lot worse when he first gets up in the morning as opposed as to how he is as the day goes on. As a result of the fact that he feels so bad in the mornings, he has changed from working a first shift schedule to working a second shift schedule so that he is better able to function.
Morning pains are among the worst ones there can exist. I'm really sorry but there is nothing you can about that.
My energy peaks at around 4pm and pretty much stays that way until I force myself to listen to my mediation/hypnosis tapes so I can fall asleep early enough...absolutely REFUSE sleeping meds (doc a long long time ago gave me Ambien, ended up sleep eating/walking seriously scary stuff!) I also have something called Valley Fever which is VERY common here in Arizona, it causes mono like symptoms as well as flu symptoms. My new pulmonary doc is doing the SAME thing as the last one; my pulm doc attributes my symptoms to FM and my PM doc does the reverse! But my PCP is amazing and is referring me to a rhum to get a better handle on all this. I'm just so frustrated, taught special education and have ALL my coursework for my EdS in School Psychology. Was forced to take indef med leave after attempting practicum, the all day work thing just couldn't happen. So I just broke down and applied for disability...but it's not forever so I just keep my focus on getting better...
Morning pains are among the worst ones there can exist. I'm really sorry but there is nothing you can about that.

Yes I know, I WAS on methadone and HATED it, but it was specifically prescribed for the severe neuropathy in my off that junk in February after PT and continuing the exercises has drastically reduced the burning in my hands. But I had NO idea that it was actually helping the morning pain significantly. So recently I started swimming and it's helping a great deal with the severity of the morning pain (and I sleep better too!) 😊
I feel worse in the morning, like I got beat up, and am very tired. I try to keep appointments of any kind to late morning/early afternoon. Only works maybe 40% of the time. As we live out in the country, everything is a distance away. When my husband drives--usually--I always fall asleep. If I can keep busy I do better. Often I feel better at night and have a hard time getting to sleep. I always was a night owl but now its worse. I love to read but so often now fall asleep while doing that too! I'm sure partly its the narcotics I take for chronic, intense pain, but I thought one got used to the effects. I'd rather be tired than be in the pain I was in. Strangely, I still have a lot of pain despite the drugs.
I understand about the narcotics, I've been at the same clinic for three years but different docs. My doc now is great she keeps up w latest research...she said current research shows that ppl w FM don't have "normal" opiate receptors PLUS we don't respond to endorphins. She immediately took me off oxycodone and I was FREAKED out! But I trusted her and feel SO much better after being off em. She said they actually cause our pain/bad days to cycle more frequently. I wish you the best of luck, pardon my language but chronic pain sucks!
Yes. I have this same issue when I first wake up. This morning it got really bad that I could not get up out of bed. What helped me was a cup of black tea with lemon. I made me get energy really quickly and my headache seem to disappear afterwards. Hope this helps.
Mornings are the worst time for me. As many have said, I feel like I haven't slept at all, and the pain is nearly unbearable.
I would guess that most Fibromyalgia sufferers are worse in the morning due to the fact their muscles, and joints have been resting. Then, when it's time for them to get up, their pain flairs, due to the fact they haven't moved at all. Muscles and joints need to stay in motion, however, when we are sleeping we all know that's impossible. At these times when no motion is happening, this causes discomfort when the body arises.
Most certainly! My sister in law just cannot move whatsoever before approximately 1 pm. As a result I go to her house daily, to get her children off to school. I know she hates not being able to attend to the kids in the morning, fortunately she has come to accept her limitations. Most days she will attempt to make an evening meal, and spend quality family time.
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