Morning pain, stiffness and recovery time

Yes i did read your post a while back but my love for sweet things must have made me sort of ignore it. I do eat a lot os sweet things chocolate maltesers caskes and pastries. At one point i was taking 3 sugars in my tea. I am now down to one 1 sugar in my tea and i will do my best to stop the sugar. Im not eating proper meals and thats the problems. Thanks for mentioning about sugar.
Yes i did read your post a while back but my love for sweet things must have made me sort of ignore it. I do eat a lot os sweet things chocolate maltesers caskes and pastries. At one point i was taking 3 sugars in my tea. I am now down to one 1 sugar in my tea and i will do my best to stop the sugar. Im not eating proper meals and thats the problems. Thanks for mentioning about sugar.
If you try eating whole fruit instead of pastries and so on, you will find that eventually those things will satisfy your sweet cravings. It takes time and some discipline, but it is really worth it. You have to support your whole body by taking good care of it. If you do, you will feel better; if you don't you are only making yourself feel worse. This is your it's good that you are being conscious about it.

Also, I have found that now that I am supporting my body well with regular exercise, good nutritious and regular meals, and so on, and have been doing that for years, I can have a dessert sometimes if I want to and not have ill effects from it. But eating that kind of thing all the time instead of eating proper meals would be killing myself slowly.
That sounds ideal, I've heard the climate is nice in Florida, my brother enjoyed a family holiday there when the kids were younger.
I’m going to try a hydrotherapy tub next week. I shall report back. I don’t honestly know if Epsom salt baths make any difference but they do feel very nice at the time. 😊
I use Epsom salts to soak my hands when they are feeling their worse. Any heat seems to help the stiffness a little. I think regardless if it has a ' medical ' impact, the act of doing something kind and positive to our bodies can only be a good thing.
@Badger hey I'm thinking maybe I could probably get an inexpensive inflatable baby pool. The sun here in Florida would warm up that water nice and fast. Something for me to definitely think about.
Hi Jamie,
I have tried the kiddie pool lol but could get out, I can’t sit on the floor.
My legs don’t do the straight out thing when sitting on my butt, Oh then trying to get up . Learnt a valuable lesson that day.
I used to love the Epsom salt baths, didn’t help the pain but really made my skin so smooth and soft.

I still struggle immensely with the burning/ feeling crushed, in my lower legs, feet , arms from elbow to finger tips and around the chest ( T4to T10) at night.
No meds seem to help it. So I got to bed very late and up early so I don’t have to put up with it.
Does anyone one else have these symptoms.
Don’t know if it’s my fibro or poly 😒
@Harpy I'm not sure if your leg symptoms are like mine or not from your description. I do get a lot of leg pain, especially in one leg more than the other for some reason. The pregablin I am taking now does help with far.

Your description of a burning, feeling crushed sort of pain is a good description of how my legs feel, and is sometimes almost unbearable. Like I just want to take my legs off for a while and go somewhere else! I don't get it in my upper body at all, although I have a lot of back problems and pain in part due to an anomaly in my lower spine.

I also get this triple-layer thing in my legs. On the deepest level is that crushed, burning thing that feels as if it is my bones being pressed with a great weight. The middle "layer" is a pointed sort of pain...don't know how to describe it....that makes me feel like if I could move my leg into a different position it would feel better (which it doesn't), so I keep wanting to move my legs this way and that, which doesn't help, but I seem to have to keep doing it. And the top "layer" feels as if a hundred or more ants are crawling on my skin and biting me. Or tiny electrical shocks.

When I get all three layers at once it's pretty bad. But I have found that the TENS machine helps with the top layer, and can sometimes help with the middle one as well. Unfortunately it's the deepest layer I feel the most often and the TENS doesn't seem to help with that.
Your description of a burning, feeling crushed sort of pain is a good description of how my legs feel, and is sometimes almost unbearable. Like I just want to take my legs off for a while and go somewhere else! I don't get it in my upper body at all, although I have a lot of back problems and pain in part due to an anomaly in my lower spine.
I personally think mine weird burning crushing pain in coming from my thoracic, I got a few bulging discs and a have advanced D.I.S.H as well.
I was trying to discribe my pain to my osteopath. The squeezing, crushing part of my leg, arm, chest pain feels like when we were a child and you’d do what we used to call back in the day a Chinese burn. Where you grip a friends forearm and squeezing your hands around their wrists tight and turn in opposite directions. That’s my best way of describing it.
I am on lryica but just 75 mg twice a day. But does nothing for this pain.

I also get this triple-layer thing in my legs. On the deepest level is that crushed, burning thing that feels as if it is my bones being pressed with a great weight. The middle "layer" is a pointed sort of pain...don't know how to describe it....that makes me feel like if I could move my leg into a different position it would feel better (which it doesn't), so I keep wanting to move my legs this way and that, which doesn't help, but I seem to have to keep doing it. And the top "layer" feels as if a hundred or more ants are crawling on my skin and biting me. Or tiny electrical shocks.
Yes it to have to move around a lot or get up and walk about the house to settle it .
Or you know when you wake and have a good old stretch . Well I kind of can tighten my body like in a stretch, without stretching, (something I haven’t done for a very long time) it’s just so frustrating as no one can explain what it iS. I will bring it up again when I see my Rheumatologist in November.
When I get all three layers at once it's pretty bad. But I have found that the TENS machine helps with the top layer, and can sometimes help with the middle one as well. Unfortunately it's the deepest layer I feel the most often and the TENS doesn't seem to help with that.
My daughter brought a PEMF machine from Texas ( USA) with the Aussie $ on top of it. 🙀 So very expensive to try and help my pains. So hopefully I will get some improvement in pain levels once it starts helping.
Just the day i replied to your post i went to lidl and i saw a bar of white chocolate my favourite it had bits of pink even sweeter bits some kind of strawberry or raspberry when i got home i put my bags down on the floor and ripped the paper of the chocolate. I am a very rebellious person and im only hurting myself. Iv always been like that. So its my own fault.i am really going to have to stop this punishing myself. This fibro is no joke and as you say there are other things i can do to help myself likke exercise. Im in my kitchen now with my ipad in front of me and im going to do my exercises. Which i pay yearly for so i better make the most of it. Thank you for your very wise wirds. I should come here daily and get some wisdom. Carol xxx
@Grace3 .......try not to be too hard on yourself. Treat yourself with kindness.
Yes, you are only hurting yourself. You say you are punishing yourself.
Now, I'm wondering........for what are you punishing yourself? I am not asking you to answer this, as it is clearly none of my business. But it might be a good question to ask yourself. Something maybe just to sit with, not even demanding an answer from yourself, but just asking the question, and see what comes to you.

Sometimes just sitting with a question will bring some interesting insights.

If you feel guilty or bad about things you do or have done, try kindness to yourself. Do something that you know is good for you. throw out all the chocolate and other harmful things in your house. Go out and buy your favorite kind of fruit, no matter how expensive it is, and eat that instead.

Be firm with yourself, but be gentle at the same time.
When I am training a dog, I do not let the dog just get away with a bad behavior. But I never, ever punish a dog either. I don't hit or yell or scold. I just gently make it easy for the dog to do what I want, and hard for the dog to do what I don't want. I do everything I can to set the dog up for success, never for failure.

This means, I never put the dog into a position in which the dog will feel he or she needs to do, or is overly tempted to do the thing I don't want. Instead, I create situations in which it's easy for the dog to choose the right thing to do, and then I praise and reward the dog. I always focus on the dog's success, and let go immediately of the times they fail to do what I want.

People and dogs are really not all that different. People need to be set up for success, too. that means if they need to change a behavior they need to remove the temptation to do the behavior they want to change, and they need to make it easy for themselves to do the thing they want to choose instead. They need to reward themselves (not by then doing the unwanted behavior! But with something else) when they succeed in choosing the right thing. They need to focus on their successes, never their failures, because there will always be both. Focusing on and striving for the successes leads to more successes.