IBS and Fibro Related??

My goodness, you sound like my twin lol! The tightness is horrible. Its not pain, it is just tight. I am trying now to help it by eliminating certain foods from my diet. I am praying that it will help. Fibro/Costo/IBS/GERD/Anxiety is such a vicious cycle! Prayers for better days for all of us! Thank you so much for responding!
Isn't it amazing how so many of us have the symptoms and feelings. I do the same thing, I get the tightness and then the pain and I start the wondering mind. It is so horrible.
@SBee @Badger @MissNeverWell @darrowe

Thank you so much for responding!

Thank YOU @sdoss for starting this thread! I've thought about it, but sounds so crazy, never got the guts (hahaha pun ) to actually do it.

Just knowing others have same/similar issues helps, and then all of us sharing our own little hints and tips, we'll all benefit, I'm sure ;) 🤗🤗
A book about Fibromyalgia I am currently reading by a UK Dr who specialises in chronic pain suggests an estimate of 70% of fibro sufferers also have IBS. Seems quite a common crossover. Luckily as you say @sdoss and @BlueBells this forum can help with suggestions and experiences can be so useful and again, just empathise that so many others can understand
Hello everyone! I have a question, I have suffered with IBS and Fibro for over 20 years. I have been told by my GP that they go hand in hand. It seems that when my IBS flares up my fibro seems to go crazy too. My fibro has always been concentrated around my rib cage. Has anyone ever dealt with both of these together? I have tightness across my upper abdomen and in the center. I also have the pain that goes around my ribs on one side one time and the other the next day. If anyone has this or any suggestions I would really appreciate it. I also need to add I have GERD, a hiatal hernia (small) no gallbladder and horrible health anxiety. Yeah, I know it is great :), but I just keep pushing and trying. Any help would be appreciated. Have a blessed day!!
I too suffer with ibs,horrid nausea.its easy for people to say change diet but basically anything I eat my body rebels.i use buscopan and its the only med which helps.i’ve noticed that if i drink a lot of water i doo feel better(but not altogether)its part and parcel of fybro and theres no escape,I’ve suffered for 25 years.i would suggest water,keep drinking all day and less caffeine.i drink decaf.try drinking more water i know some people hate it but it really does help flush the system.i hope you find my views helpful.take care xx
I'm going to try fasting over the next few days and see if it helps. IBS and Fibromyalgia is a frustrating combination as I found out after a sandwich this afternoon 🤦
@sdoss @SBee @Badger @Ian waxman

g'day, I've been so flat chat for weeks, and it's no sign of slowing up for a few months, but hey, they say it never rains but it pours !

So, I get the random double-over indigestion / flatulence pain, a day or two later liquid diarrhea , then back to 'normal'. This is totally irrespective of foods , activity or stress. Usually just the pain, and de-gas and gaviscon work pretty well .

I've had a couple of months clear, so I consider myself quite fortunate.

Are these sort of things familiar to any of you? Are these the IBS symptoms?
Hey @BlueBells I hope things settle.down a bit for you soon, it sounds a stressful time, so rest up when you can.

this symptoms sure sound familiar to me, can I add in bloating as well?! I seem to get that irrespective of foods I eat,though avoiding anything carbonated helps that .Horrible cramp pains, but I watch what I eat as certain foods set of off for me, as well as stress. And get as you say sometimes we can't always find a usual link to what sets things off.

Take extra care of yourself while things are all up in the air.
Hi @SBee

Doing renovations, so keeping up with the builder, and now helping family similar thing, so pressure is on for now. And they just got the rats under control !!!

I'm lucky t have a couple of carbonated drinks a year, been like that my whole life, rarely have them. Spicy foods sometimes seem to be a problem, but then I try to 'test', and no reaction :confused:

I do think I have a bit of reaction to some of the stuff in crumbed fish etc, but not sure. When life is sort of stable, I tend for salads and vegies, and plain meats, not spiced up or processed foods, and I generally am better then, but that being said, this whole thing is random. :)

I did get checked for IBS and some other belly bug , that was before I was diagnosed fibro, and all was clear. Surprise surprise :D

These gremlins sure know how the throw out the symptoms, don't they?

Thanks for your reply, it helps a lot, helps the acceptance, when others experience the same or similar. Is what it is, and as someone said, learning to dance with fibro seems the best way to go. ;)🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
It can be tricky narrowing things down when everything seems to set you off. Constipation, blotting, pain and acid reflux have been difficult to tackle, but avoiding some of the worst triggers helps at least.
Totally agree @Badger some foods are a definite NO for me, others I can tolerate in small doses. Still haven't found out what causes the bloating for me other than carbonated drinks, so I tend to go a bit extra restrictive food wise until things settle. Cows milk never good for me, I am old enough to remember the little bottles of milk we had at school - but it made me ill so I actually was excused from drinking it! Even the smell of milk makes me feel sick. Though I love cheese, again small quantities, so maybe it's a bit of psychological stuff as well.

@BlueBells that's some serious stress going on long term. I avoid any spice bar a little black pepper, that's the worse for the hiatus hernia. I don't miss carbonated drinks at all. We all.I am sure try to eat healthy, to give our bodies a best helping hand, but when stress bits that's a danger zone when we can get to the easy option of quick not such good food choices. But that's Life. I think as long as we do our best most of the time, we shouldn't beat ourselves up.
Totally agree with the reassurance we get with another person being in similar positions as us. Chronic health can feel a lonely place at time so it's essential to have a place such as this.
Take care, look after yourself 😻
Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, my gp has said the pain around my sides is fibro/costo and comes with a flare of ibs. I take Motrin off and on because I don’t want to take too much because I know it’s hard on your kidneys. I am working with my food and what triggers it. I took the food sensitivity test and there was so many. I was amazed. I am starting to work with a nutrionist. So I pray that will help me lose the menopausal weight and also help my ibs. I pray for no pain days for you. ❤️

Food sensitivity seems to be yet another fibro symptom; Roughly a year after being diagnosed, it was suggested that I do a series of food tests. So, I removed dairy, eggs, gluten etc. Turns out I had developed a gluten allergy. No more baked goods, bread, krullers, pizza,... it really sucks! Once in a while my pain levels go nuts, caused by something like: my g.f. bread being toasted in the same toaster used for regular stuff.

Sorry for meandering there. Point is, I believe all peeps living with this s***ty disease should look at your diet. It made a huge difference in my life, and hopefully it may help you.

Hello Sdoss,
I too have a very tight rib cage and also suffer from IBS. I am 99.9% sure my breast cancer treatment caused my Fibro situation. I see a PT to help with the tightness in the rib cage and other areas that has been affected by Fibro and it helps tremendously. I also take Tizanidine, once in the morning and once at night. Every year I have bloodwork done and my muscle relaxer has not caused any kidney or liver problems; actually hasn’t caused any problems at all. I also have nerve pain in my stomach which causes more IBS but the muscle relaxer helps this area too. I hope you can find some relief. I also have a trigger point foam roller that I use on my entire body, even my chest. It’s uncomfortable to use the foam roller, but it does give me relief.
@SBee Thankyou so much. Yes, the pressure is on, two weeks to prepare an house for re-stumping, including remove two brick chimneys! Amazing just how much is accumulated in a room when one has lived there for a quarter of a century :D :D :D :D

We are tending to go for the "quick" foods, but my daughter is good at whipping up an healthy meal quickly, she's just a bit worn at the moment.

@Bob the Goalie , hey, we all meander at times, it's good, some interesting topics arise that way ;)

Hi @Radmun . I often get a lot of tightness in my ribs, been like that my whole life. I hadn't thought it may be fibro related, but maybe it is after all.