Fibro and being sick?

Hello everyone from this newbie with so many questions. I have had fibro for many years on and off but this time it isn’t going at all. I usually go down with the extreme tiredness , being sick, and diarrhoea being main symptoms. I recently had a good heath check because I was having so many symptoms. I had an endoscopy, a CT body scan and a full blood count.. I have gastritis but I knew this, all bloods were fine. I also have IBS and some divicular disease…again I knew about these……….So they found nothing knew to explain why I feel so ill. Does anyone else get the extreme tiredness with bad nausea plus all the usual fibromyalgia symptoms??
Good evening birdlady hope all is well. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 2021. I had Covid March 2020. I had Covid very bad I was induce coma for 9 days due to it. So the rheumatologist that’s why I end having fibromyalgia. I have good and bad days. I work full time I’m in the aviation industry and that’s a high stress level job especially when flights are delayed or canceled and you have irate passengers to assist. My symptoms consist of: nausea, dizziness, pain all over, neck tightness, fibromyalgia fog, speak and than it’s like I forget what else I need to say, extreme fatigue, stiffness, having sleep issues some nights, I cry when I feel so overwhelmed and down. I barely have friends because friend a lot of people don’t know the true meaning of friendship. But I pray and talk to God. I do my best to get through each day. I really try not stress overexert my body which is easy to say and hard to do. I don’t was on duloxetine 25mg 1 time a day and 60mg twice a day. Unfortunately it didn’t help me at all. I stop taking it. And now I end up going to a new rheumatologist due to my first one office shut down without notice to her patience’s in Orlando. So currently under a care of a new one which required me to do all my blood work and X-rays over again since they couldn’t get my file from the other rheumatologist. So far I’m now waiting on my blood work and X-rays results I follow up with the new doc next week Monday. And than we can see what other meds and options is available. It’s a lot for us who have fibromyalgia we just have to keep praying, doing our best and keep going. I wish you all the best stay safe and strong 💪🏾 you will be fine. Many blessings
Hello everyone from this newbie with so many questions. I have had fibro for many years on and off but this time it isn’t going at all. I usually go down with the extreme tiredness , being sick, and diarrhoea being main symptoms. I recently had a good heath check because I was having so many symptoms. I had an endoscopy, a CT body scan and a full blood count.. I have gastritis but I knew this, all bloods were fine. I also have IBS and some divicular disease…again I knew about these……….So they found nothing knew to explain why I feel so ill. Does anyone else get the extreme tiredness with bad nausea plus all the usual fibromyalgia symptoms??
Yes I do not ever flare up but I do. Just pray for myself and everyone we’re strong. And we must do our best to prevent fibromyalgia flare ups as much as possible. Praying for everyone stay strong. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel
Yes I do not ever flare up but I do. Just pray for myself and everyone we’re strong. And we must do our best to prevent fibromyalgia flare ups as much as possible. Praying for everyone stay strong. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel
Me too.nausea everyday,violent headaches,ibs,extreme fatigue.told my doctor have I got chronic fatigue as well he said you’ve got fybromyalgia so we can’t tell due to fybro having so many symptoms and no 2 people alike.take care xxx
@Ian waxman
Me too.nausea everyday,violent headaches,ibs,extreme fatigue.told my doctor have I got chronic fatigue as well he said you’ve got fybromyalgia so we can’t tell due to fybro having so many symptoms and no 2 people alike.take care xxx

Wow!!!! I've been pushing past my limits (external obligations) and have been getting that for a couple of weeks, mixed with weakening arms/hands, and so much fibro fog!

I don't feel the 'pain' as such, but for some time now I've wondered if the weird aches that sort of aren't pain, are actually pain. I know that pain can cause nausea and fatigue, so maybe I get the 'symptoms' of the pain anyway.

When I do get the pain, it feels like my whole insides are screaming, and I am on the verge of tears. And yet, I don't seem to 'feel' the pain. Hmmmm. Any one out there got any comments on that one?

Work to do and my hands are struggling to type, so, cheers for now, and everyone take care, and hang in there 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🐉;)
@Ian waxman

Wow!!!! I've been pushing past my limits (external obligations) and have been getting that for a couple of weeks, mixed with weakening arms/hands, and so much fibro fog!

I don't feel the 'pain' as such, but for some time now I've wondered if the weird aches that sort of aren't pain, are actually pain. I know that pain can cause nausea and fatigue, so maybe I get the 'symptoms' of the pain anyway.

When I do get the pain, it feels like my whole insides are screaming, and I am on the verge of tears. And yet, I don't seem to 'feel' the pain. Hmmmm. Any one out there got any comments on that one?

Work to do and my hands are struggling to type, so, cheers for now, and everyone take care, and hang in there 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🐉;)
Hi!fybro isn’t all about pain the feelings you feel could be aching stabbing full on pain,just any horrible feeling.if you’re feeling inside pain you need to see a isn’t always fybro and could be a whole host of symptoms.have u seen a doc?the pain and nausea is a sign u shouldn’t ignore so u need a thorough check over.i did.bloods,hospital ct scan,,heart checks.but they said it’s fybro so I accepted their findings.i do suffer from excrutiating pain all the way down the back of my body.its horrible.hope u find the right diagnosis👍
Agree with @Ian waxman here @BlueBells you have a lot of external stress going on am and am sure we all know that stress can add new symptoms or worsen existing ones. No one knows our bodies and the way we react to stress, so do watch yourself if this feels different to ' usual ' reactions to stressful times. Rest when you can and watch yourself... You know the drill by now of course but do consider if these feelings are normal behaviour for you. If not maybe get it checked 😍
@Ian waxman @SBee

Hi , thank you both for your caring replies.

Yes, I get all sorts of things checked, and many of these symptoms I've had over the years, and it was always "bad nerves" and then stress and/or anxiety.

About 25 years ago, I was under enormous pressure (tax office employee stuffed up and I (average business owner) had to sort it out) and the doc said I was bordering on stomach ulcer from the stress. Since then, I get things checked, but as we all know, docs can get a little dismissive when it's mostly baseless symptoms.

I have, a couple of weeks ago, requested an x-ray of a foot, (my request) and I have a little osteo arthritis in a couple of spots. Hmmmm. The symptoms that led me to the request have re-appeared , as I had the same issues in early teens. So, hmmmm. I can't see that it has been there for 50 odd years and no symptoms, well, now and then, but docs have never said more than a bit of muscle strain.

I think the main thing I try to stay aware of is the tendency to just brush everything off as fibro, as one day it might not be. Since I've voiced this to the doc, I find they take me more seriously. It has helped me a lot in that way, because now it's to relieve my worry (I worry a lot) and that alone has helped.

Thanks again for your kind thoughts 🤗 🤗 🤗
@Ian waxman

Wow!!!! I've been pushing past my limits (external obligations) and have been getting that for a couple of weeks, mixed with weakening arms/hands, and so much fibro fog!

I don't feel the 'pain' as such, but for some time now I've wondered if the weird aches that sort of aren't pain, are actually pain. I know that pain can cause nausea and fatigue, so maybe I get the 'symptoms' of the pain anyway.

When I do get the pain, it feels like my whole insides are screaming, and I am on the verge of tears. And yet, I don't seem to 'feel' the pain. Hmmmm. Any one out there got any comments on that one?

Work to do and my hands are struggling to type, so, cheers for now, and everyone take care, and hang in there 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🐉;)
Hi!I started 25 years ago getting pain wife was covering me in became a violent pain all down my back so I went to the docs.they gave me tramadol and said they’d review it every month.i never got any relief so I went back,I had scans,blood pressure check,basically everything and they couldn’t find anything strong so they put me on reletrans.i got up to 60 mcg and because it was in my stomache it burned me,I told them of my agony so they put me on fentanyl,I’m currently on 62.5 mcg which is quite high.i’ve got oral morpheine as well so basically they think I’m a wreck.i’vs tried everything to ease the pain and if I stop taking them the body pain all over my back legs neck is agony.i really don’t know what I’ve done but obviously my nerves in my back are in can’t cure it so it’s either take the meds or live in agony.its been like that for 25 years so there must be something seriously wrong.i get all the fybro symptoms so its getting me down.i’m in a fybro bubble and nothing will change.its hell so i have to keep going.i’m at the top end of fybro and its made my relationship with my wife hell.we get by but its totally changed our relationship.its very stressful.i’ll keep battling👍👍
@Ian waxman

I feel for you, I truly do. 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗

I am one of those that don't really get the pain, I feel almost guilty or even fake at times because of that.

You are very fortunate to have a wife who sticks by you, that is a rare depth of relationship indeed 🤗🤗🤗💐💐

No wonder fibro has been quickly deposited in the 'too hard basket' all these generations. The medical profession prefers to ignore or downplay if they cannot answer the questions that face them.

Being so world wide, I wonder if the 'older countries" like Europe and Asia have remedies, but not known as fibromyalgia? Asians especially seem to have remedies for almost everything.
.its hell so i have to keep going.i’m at the top end of fybro and its made my relationship with my wife hell.we get by but its totally changed our relationship.its very stressful.i’ll keep battling
So sorry.
And wishing there were something that could change this for you.