I need help to find treatment for my metal problem

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I tried earthing. Its to ground your body and also
Remove static. It did not work at all.
I did find to my surprise that being near on on top
Of water helps to pull the seams like static to me out of my body.
I go to the lake marina. They have push carts
That have wheels,plastic box and metal frame
And handles. Oddly when I grab the handle the
Electronic runs out both arms into the cart. I'm
Told my eyes roll back and they can see relief on
My face. Its wonderful! I can walk on the dock over the
Water without a problem. After some time I can even
Hugg the metal poles that hold the dock in place.
Even sit right next to it and not get tazed.

You see water is a conductor. Our bodies are 90% water.
That why we get static.as the water below the dock is 100%
The electronic goes to that instead of our body.

So you know I took one of those carts home.
Placed it in my backyard both on the concrete and the wet grass.
It shocked the hell out of me! But I had to try!
You see its the conductor thing again.
Thanks for reading and trying.

I see almost 500 views and not one person
Has seen it or even knows anyone with this.
Thanks to the forum for helping me get it out there.
God bless you all!
please read and see if you can help. reply if you asked a doctor about this and what they said.
well i went to pain mgt doctor yesterday. she is the doctor that wants answers to this metal condition. ive been going to her for about one year this month.
Every month she starts out out visit with how do you drive in your truck? every month i tell her the same thing. the metal is on the outside of the truck. it's not stainless steel. the inside is all plastic and most importantly, the truck has four big rubber wheels that ground it. so yesterday she finially said how do you dont it? i answered sometimes you just HAVE to touch metal. like the zipper on your paints.
thanks for reading.
i have now put this question on a lupus and allergy forum. its been 3 days and no replies at all.
makes me glad i come here. thanks for readin ya'll
So sorry to hear this & sorry I have no knowledge to offer on this, however I will definitely ask my friends & family if they know.... Take care.
Wow that sounds horrible! I know I get shocks a lot but I have never passed out or had what you have happen. Have you seen a nuclear medicine doctor by chance yet? I know when I had my radiated iodine treatments, I would set off a lot of alarms for some reason in public places. It was disturbing but I got use to it after a while. I was being treated for thyroid cancer after I had surgery with radiated iodine. The nuclear med doc told me that happens at times. I wonder if they might be able to do some kind of scan to find out if you have something going on.
Vellybean, thanks! My neurologist told me he contacted a friend that is a nuclear med doctor. He said That he had a patient that had much of the same symptoms. He could not help him. He sent him to the mayo clinic. The clinic told him they never heard or seen it before. They sent him home. I hear this patient was in Pennsylvania. My neurologist would not send me the name's or to a nuclear doctor.
As you can tell only 2 people having this won't get anyone to do anything to help or research.
I'm trying UT Southwestern in April.
I really doing have faith that the doctor there
Will take me on as a patent. My pain mgt and neurologist are going to help if they will even take me or make a study.
I'm keeping my hurting fingers crossed.

Thanks for carding and replying!
I hope you find some relief and help. It definitely sounds frustrating! I will keep you in my thoughts!
Hi cmetryme, I watch that new show and I thought of you immediately! It's on AMC channel, Monday nights, better call Saul, is the name. Once again, good luck to you! Spotsy
As I am reading through your story, I am upset and angry FOR you, I just cannot stand it when a doctor dismisses someone because they don't have an answer. The very least your doc could do is stop questioning you about 'how do you do drive' and basically anything that sounds like they are trying to trap you into a question you can't answer. I'm sorry you're not getting answers, and I'm sorry your doctors have been dismissive. If they don't have answers, the least they could do is say so and vow to keep trying to help you and maybe do some research of their own, not look down on their patient in such a way. I've dropped doctors for less.
I wish you the best of luck in your search for answers.
Spotsy, first thanks for thinking of me. I get that alot. Mostly when folks are in pain. They tell me I did this and it was so so painful. It only hurt for under one minute. I thought of you and I don't know how you do it. Its there way of saying I care.

Did they say what he has?
I saw folks had to ground themselves before coming in his house. I'm not sure its the same thing.
Thank you for letting me know.
Isfarel, thanks for reading.
If you can ask around like your doctor ,family, friends teachers and pharmacy. Maybe they know folks. Maybe they too can ask around as well.

As the doctor is pain management, I have no choice but continue seeing her. I went thru 8 visits with PM's before I found her. She cares and wants answers to this metal thing.

I'd like to share a typical first time visit with a doctor. So you all will understand why they won't take me.
Let's say the office is on the 4 floor. I wait for the elevator to come. I have lighting bolts coming at me from both sides of the elevator frame and doors. As I'm getting used to the shock it level 4 pain. I begin to feel draining of my energy.
Yeah the elevator arrives. I step in. I then get shocks from everywhere. My energy rapidly. Now we are at floor two. My arm start to shake. My head begins to sway back and forth.
Now its the fourth floor. I'm totally wiped of my energy. I'm holding the door frame(major shock) so I don't fall. I lean forwards to get out of the elevator and stumble out down the hallway. I'm now in a fog and all energy gone. I sit on the floor if the office is not right there. Next thing I know its 10-20 minutes later. Sometimes people are they and sometimes only my wife. The further away from the stainless elevator the more I regain my energy. Now I'm awake. My wife goes to the doctors office and check in. They ask her where is he? She tells them he can't sit in your metal chairs in your waiting room. She tells them to come get us when they are ready. Then she goes to the restroom and brings back a wet paper towel for my face. As I come back to life she hellos me up and leans me on the wall while we wait.so now they come tell us the doctor is ready. We laugh and go inside my holding me up as we walk to the exam room. We get inside and my wife begins to remove the stainless stuff from the room in the hall way. They really dont like that and she tells them if it stays in the room he will pass out. The response to this is different in each place. Nonbelievers mostly. So only the stainless sink, stainless paper towel holder,chair and exam table are in the room. At this point the sink is shocking me and draining energy. The other things are shocking me too. I'm sitting on the floor or sometimes I stand. Can't get on the exam table. Now depending on how fast the doctor comes in to the room, I may have to step out of the room so I don't pass out again. If I feel like passing out my wife helps me to the outer hallway again. The staff asks where are you going? My wife tells them he I'd going to pass out in that room from the metal, so I have to take him outside. She puts me on the floor and goes back in and tells them when the doctor is in the room I will bring him back in. Usually about 5-10 minutes go by and they call me into the exam room. We begin talking to the Doctor. Of course, he wants to know what's going on.so my wife had to tell him about the metal thing. By this time my head is swaying from side to side. My wife sees it and tells the doctor he's going to pass out if we font get him out of this room now! So they help me to the hallway and lean me on the wall. Now all the staff has now come to see. If they have a wood legged chair or a plastic stool they bring that to me. Now the doctor says I've never seen or heard of anything like that. My wife says that's fine were are not here for that. There's nothing that can be done for that. So now I tell the doctor that my wife is legally able to talk for me.as I sit outside they talk. Now if they piss my wife off by saying BS or I won't take him on as my patient. She storms out. If they think they can help they say I can do this. They give me prescription and say come back in a month. So now back to the elevator and the same thing happens. Passing out in the lobby.bshe puts me in a chair, metal no matter. Ask pass out, she goes to get the truck. She comes back in with a wet towel and wakes me again. She helps me to the truck and I either pass out again or I get my energy back. Now you are saying to yourself why didn't they use the stairs? Here's why. First no one can help us in there if I passout. Next the stair steps have a painted stainless steel cap on each step. The hand rails are painted metal/steel. My last visit I convinced my wife we are going up the stairs. My legs won't get me but one floor and I have to rest as my energy is being drained by the step caps. We make up to the 4th floor and we are both wiped out. Good thing is I don't pass out. Then the exam room thing starts again.
We both understand why doctors don't want me as a patient.
They only see the metal thing and not what I'm there for.

I thank god for my PM Doctor and her staff.
They have seen me pass out in the bathroom. They drug test me each visit. The handicap stainless hand rails shock me when I pull my pants down to pee. This makes it really hard to pee. If it take longer than one minute the nurse comes in to pull me out. She then removes all the metal from the room. They have a wood exam table. My doctor cares and she prescribes me meds like morphine n the cancer pain meds. She keep a close eye on me and try's to keep me on a low dose. She wants answers to the metal thing. I on her mind first thing because the staff is moving the metal from the room first. She trys to make my vist as fast as possible so I don't pass out in the exams room from the sink and paper towel holder.
Sometimes I have to walk there parking lot so I get away from the metal then go back in to see her again. Its hard to find a doctor that will put up with that.

I'm sorry this was so long. I just needed you folks to see my life and how important it is that your doctor see you as a patient. Its NOT a right to see a doctor or be their patent, its privilege !
Well , over 700 views now. I never thought it would go that high! Also makes me sad that no one seems to have this. No one is telling me what their doctors say about it.
I guess its just going to be me finding a diagnosis for this. Not sure where to start now.
Any ideas?
one month away and still no answers. not even one person said they asked their doctor or pharmacists and posted what they said.
how sad!
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