I need help to find treatment for my metal problem

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Yesterday was a fairly good day.morning started out OK.
Level 4 pain so I didn't wake up screaming like most morning's. So I disided I would go to the grocery store. Went to get veggies n meat for dinner. Should b a short trip. Walked around the outside of the isles as I get shocked by both side's of the isle from the shelving and other folks shopping carts. It was still tazering me so I try to hurry.I head to the check out register knowing its going to hurt and trigger my fibro and sfn. I run by the self check out as it is all stainless steel. Im at register and getting shocked by the scale. She asked me if I would buy a bag for hunger? Not thinking I said yes as I do support the homeless. Well this added more time in the store. By this time I have had most of my energy drained. I then staggered thru the first set of automatic doors that some else opened. Staggered thru the next set to the outside. Thinking by the time I get to my truck I would be far enough away from the stainless. I crossed street and was going Togo down again.with my head shaking,whole body throbbing and on fire I just leaned as far forward as I could and my legs got me to the handicapped parking spot n my truck. I had to grab on to the bed with the plastic on it so I wouldn't fall down. So at this point I'm hurting really bad. As I have skin lupus the sun is now burning me making it even worse. Got grocery and myself in the truck. I passed out in front seat for 15 minutes. Woke up and was coming to and feeling much better so I set there 15 minutes longer to make sure I'm OK to drive and not kill someone. I'm sure god planned all this for me so I won't die if I have a reck. Feeling good I drive toward home and bam the head shaking comes again. So I'm telling myself as I'm driving stay wake you only have 5 more blocks. I made it home safe! Just sat in truck with cell phone in hand just in case. Kept saying stay awake. Sat there 15 minutes came to. This lasted about a 1\2 hour and I felt much better made some lunch thinking I need food.ate and felt better. About 1hour later the pain in my arm was so bad I just sat and cried for about 30 minutes. As I took all the meds at 7am I had nothing. So back to walking the fence line in the back yard. In about 1hour the pain level went from a 8 to a live with it level 4. Called pain mgt dotor to see what the hold up is on the subsys from pharmacy. She said that because she cut dose in half the manufacturer would have to re-approve it. So no pain meds. By dinner I was at level 2 after my eve morphine dose. Cooked dinner with my glass pots and plastic handle pan. Stayed up to midnight at a level 4 pain.just above what the morphine can handle. At this point thats called break thru pain. Being I have no subsys I must just continue to suffer thru this.
I'm hoping by telling this story about my daily life some other will see that if I can go on living with this and the fibro you can to. Maybe even make a call to your doctors and ask them about this. I need the research. Y'all hang in there, tomorrow brings a new day and a new adventure. Thank for trying to help.
I do have a mask I can wear that blocks the UV rays.
Just embarrassed when I wear it. Doesn't Cover eyes. Its made so you can wear sunglasses. As I get a bad rash from the plastic and the metal pins shock me I don't wear it much.
The camera need the lights. My wife will not go on the show and speak for me. I don't blame her. Its bad enough people don't believe and think its in my head and I'm crazy.
Thanks for trying!
Just a quick thought, any chance at all that you may have a seizure disorder that is causing you to pass out. I know that different reactions to things such as shocks or flashing lights or even glare from sun can trigger seizures in some people. You might ask about having an EEG test done to test your brain wave patterns.
Hello Cmetryme, I hope you are doing well. Your symptoms are so scary. I haven't heard of any one with these but I am going to do some web searching on the subject. I hope you get some relief. Keep us posted. :)
Well I went to get meds 12 boxes $2600. I had to go to a new pharmacy I've never been to. Doctors have there own plans just have to live with it. Well the pharmacy was on the second floor. I couldn't find the stairs so I had to use the stainless steal elevator! So pushed the button to call the elevator surrounded by the steal. Felt it shocking me and beginning to drain my energy. Got off at floor 2. Total wiped out. Arrived at pharmacy, needed to sit.pharmacist told me she knows a lady in another country with the same symptoms as me. Hers is due to electrical cords and cell phone. She can't even leave here house or she passes out. I'm trying to very her name to give my doctors. Well I walked down then stairs. Felt like passing out still. Had to sit in truck 30 minutes before i could drive. Just sucks but maybe now I can find more folks with this.
1sweed, thanks for replying and caring.
Yes my neurologist did think to check that.
I asked him and the nurse that performed the eeg test if there was any metal in the hat.
Doctor told me no days before my appointment. On test day I asked nurse she said no you can look for yourself. I looked quickly as I believed them. I saw the wires and the plastic things the wires were connected to.thought cool no metal let's do this. I put hat on and began test. Within minutes I told nurse that it was shocking and burning. She said that can't be happening. We finished the test and I ripped the hat off and I was crying,looked inside and looked in the center of the plastic rings and there was stainless steal in each one. Nurse ran out of the room and came back with the doctor. I told him about the shocking,burning and now pins n needles. I said you told me no metal and there's metal all over the inside of the hat. He said no way, n looked in and said nope just plastic. I had to tell him to look closer at the center of the plastic rings. He looked at me and said I'm sorry I didn't know it was there. I never seen anything like this before.
Doctor told me test results were great no problems even within your pain during the test.
The pain only got worse. I would shower and the water would hit my head and it was a level 8 pain. I would cry when I washed my and brush it. This pain has lasted 4 months. About a week into this pain my wife came running into the bathroom as I drying my hair screaming and crying.
She said what happened? I told her it was from the eeg test and now this is how I have to shower and brush my hair now. To this day it still comes back every now n then.
I've come to except this as part of my life.
The neurologist checked every organ in my body and told us all were good n nothing was going to kill me. I the healthiest person in the room. Even he has never checked every organ. He continued and said you have 5 of the most painful things with no cure for any of them. You will be in pain the rest of your live. You have no choice but to stick with pain mgt. My wife asked him about the metal problems and he said I've never head or seen anything like it. She said what can we do? He said I have no idea ,but stay with pain mgt.
We know even if we do find out that this is,the only thing they will do is pain mgt. We just want to know so people can research it for a med outside the pain mgt that will help.
From the day of the EEG I have never got a hair cut. One day I will donate my hair to cancer patients. I'm trying to see a positive in what god made me go rough. Thanks for taking the time out of your life to offer help.
Spotsy, thanks for caring and taking time to help!
Your kindness will come back to you ten fold.��
I'm trying to put some kind of reply in here each day so it can stay near the top. Thinking maybe someone will be able to help. Thanks to those that have replied.
The pain sounds like the pain I experience from my fibro but I have never heard of this reaction being from metal. I get it from any kind of touch but certainly not from being around something specific. At first when I was reading your post I thought it was psychological but if you experience the pain even when you don't know that metal is there there must be something more to it but unfortunately I have no medical explanation or theory for this. I am very sorry you are experiencing this, it must be dreadful. If I come across anything like this I will be sure to post it on here. Best of luck!
This sounds awful! I have never heard of anything like it!

I hope someone is able to find some answers for you very soon!
Thanks pollen n stay strong!
At first it was only touching a metal.
Like the grocery cart and doors to get the milk.
Then I began to notice the shocks more
And more. So I realized it was stainless. I
Had to have 17 teeth pulled due to when
I was in my 20s I had caps and crowns n
Filling put in. Well the metal hurt so bad I
Had to have them removed and get plastic
Dentures. So I went for my first appointment
For the dentures. They had a surgical stainless
Steel tray attached to the chair. It was shocking
Me so bad it hurt.
They could not remove it.
I got up from the chair and
Moved to the far corner of
The room. About 10 ft from
The tray. By this time all my
Energy was drained. I was weak
My head was spinning,head shaking and legs
Shaking and hurting.
I made myself run for the
Door and jumped out of the room
Before I passed out on the floor.
The dental worker had to wake me.
I had her help me outside
Of the building as the
Further away from the metal
I more i come back
To life. We sat outside for
30 minutes. I had no choice
But to go back into that room
To get the measurements.
It was so painful like
Nothing else I felt.even worse
Than the stainless Doors. Scared all
the dental Staff and doctor. They have
since taken me to a room
They can remove the tray.

I just wanted to let you have an idea of how
The pain feels. You know those globes you can
Put your hand on it and it looks like lighting bolts
Coming to your hand. Now imagine that you
Actually feel those bolts at a level 7 pain!
Maybe this will help get some people that
Feel the same thing they will reply.
Thanks for reading my post and trying to help.
I suffer from electric shocks from metals if I touch them sometimes - I have even been known to pass an electric shock to my husband when we have gone to open our car doors at the same time, but my problem is from static electricity in my clothing, and it is easily remedied by remembering to wash brand new clothes before wearing them, and adding fabric softener to the rinse water. Provided I do this, I don't have a problem - but it is totally different from your problem, which is terrible for you, it must be awful. I hope you get some answers soon, I cannot imagine just how debilitating this must be.
Thanks Wendy. I thought it was static too.
Not the case. Please ask around and see
If someone else has heard of it.
My wife received a call from a friend yesterday.
She advised us to watch a tv show that the brother
In has some of the same symptoms as I do.
We watched and agreed with some of the symptoms.
Electromagnetism is how they describe it.
I'm go look into this.

Anyone know someone with this. Please advise.
Thanks for reading!
Hi. Sorry to hear what you are going through! It might be worth your while to see someone who practices reiki (not sure if I spelled this right) as I have had it and they do try to remove the static from your body. It may help you, and they may know others with the same symptoms. Best of luck!
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