How are you today?

Please ask for help badger, it just what we do when we can’t do things. The other person that’s helps probably would feel good after getting asked to help out.
My H stresses out badly and tools ect get thrown around, he punches holes in the walls 😢. It’s hard on others if they see this.
well I am sitting in a beautiful water front park in beautiful port Stephens ( love the ocean) for my regular fortnightly coffee with two lovely friends.
Today will be a good day. 😊 it’s our vent day. We whine, whinge and complain about what ever and specially our pain. Oh and eat nibbles and drink coffee.
Good day to ya all.
Sounds like a great day, you can't beat lovely scenery and good company, enjoy yourself
Agreed, badger. If something's got you in an annoying pickle, see if you can find someone to help out 💚🍀
Thanks for your concern Auriel, H Always has had this anger issue as did his brother.
Never has hit me , wouldn’t be game to sleep if he did. I’d have him charged and in jail that quick he wouldn’t know what happened.
Please ask for help badger, it just what we do when we can’t do things. The other person that’s helps probably would feel good after getting asked to help out.
My H stresses out badly and tools ect get thrown around, he punches holes in the walls 😢. It’s hard on others if they see this.
In my experience (my own, and as a counselor and as a worker in a battered woman's shelter) a person who punches holes in the walls will sooner or later punch a hole in a human being.

Usually the closest one nearby which is most often the spouse. It's not just hard on others....this is much too hard on you and you shouldn't be in that situation for your own good. It won't get better. These things only get worse.
Good, I'm glad, but it's still probably stressful for you when he does that I should imagine? (and stress and fibro flaires go very well together 🙄) Here's some boxing gloves for him (to give the house walls a rest) 🥊🥊
Hi all, thanks for the 🥊 gloves Auriel 🤦🏻‍♀️, oh my imagination takes off when I put em on 🤣.
I am doing ok today, both mentally and physically as I have got my pain levels down to my “ normal range”. Still fighting the night pain in arms/hands and legs/feet. I am waiting to ring my rheumatologist when they open this morning to try bring my appointment forward.
I am actually so proud of myself, I have stopped taking amitriptyline, vallium and only taking palexia and panadol osteo oh and the pantaprozole ( the one I think is most important 🤨) . The meds cause more side effects than they actually help so I want to do my best to be off the palexia by June. 😁.
Hoo roo , enjoy your day everyone.
Hi Harpy!
I am so happy for you that you have gotten your pains down to normal level!😊💕🙏🏽

How did you do it? I probably missed a post or two where you described what you did to get to this point.

Looking forward to hearing from you!😊💜
@Harpy - so happy to hear your pain levels are down, and good on you for trying to get off meds that are doing more harm than good!

@MNP - thank you for the well wishes, hun - this crazy weather has me up and down the pain scale.. and a sleepless night Tuesday night did not help things much.. slept hard last night, out of pure exhaustion, and I can definitely feel it.. the brain fog is bad today.

otherwise - I am hopeful after a good initial visit with a new primary yesterday... time will tell if this is going to work out well or not, but right now, i remain hopeful.

I did something nice for myself yesterday - went and got a haircut... well, more of a trim, really, but it was a nice thing. I did a butcher job myself almost a year ago, and I really needed to get it trimmed up - hard to do ones own hair, LOL
Hi again cookiebaker😊
Ugh! Weather! Can’t control it! I am sorry that weather affects your fibro! What a pain!
Was your brain on overload Tues night? Is that what mostly kept you from sleeping?

I am gonna try some Yoga Nidra that JayCS talks about and see if that helps with relaxation and sleep🙏🏽

I am so glad you slept last night and super happy you went and got a trim! Haircuts are always such a mood lifter😁🥰😊
Was your brain on overload Tues night? Is that what mostly kept you from sleeping?
brain on overload, and just too much pain - could not get even a little comfy at all... it happens sometimes.
The brain overload thing i think had to do with my frustrations & stress with the old medical clinic... so done with them!!
couple that with a bit of anxiety over the upcoming appointment with the new provider (sometimes I dont deal well with major changes) and yeah.. brain would just not stop..