How are you today?

That sharp ice pick pain is cruel, last thing you need with the neck problems, glad to hear it doesn't happen a lot, life must be difficult enough for you with the neck symptoms.
i have had the ice pick headaches for as long as I can remember... long before neck issues or fibro, or anything else.
And as difficult as it can be sometimes, I am well aware that things could be much worse, and sometimes are for others. I try to count my blessings every day - I am alive, have shelter, food to eat, and a great partner. only thing i could possibly ask for would be a bit less pain. but I think we are all in that particular boat, no?
Hi Cookiebaker, these ice pick headaches you get, do they make your eyes water when you get them? (I get loads of different ones too) hope things go well with new clinic, it's always a catch 22 when going to new heath places (dr's, surgery's, hospitals) whether they ll be worse better or just the same 🍀🤞🏻💛
no, no tearing or anything, just intense pain for a few seconds, then gone again... the worst episode i had was several in one day, but otherwise, no additional symptoms along with them. the only thing that is even mildly concerning with them is that in the last few years they always seem to be in the same area... I had mentioned them before to a previous PCP, but oddly, she had never heard of them.. Will bring them up again when I do get moved to a new doctor, see if anything comes of it.
Hope so cookiebaker (in that you get better luck with the new gp ✨🧚🏻✨
G’day everyone, I wish a lot less pain to you all,.
Yes WA, is way hotter than NSW currently. I don’t like the cold at all, with my Raynauds is just way too painful to get cold for me.
Those pick axe headaches sound kind of similar to my migraines when I get them . Like it axe has gone up through my C1 right out through my right eye. , “tough wood” I have had a migraine for a couples of weeks.
G’day everyone, I wish a lot less pain to you all,.
And to you, too, Harpy!

Those pick axe headaches sound kind of similar to my migraines when I get them . Like it axe has gone up through my C1 right out through my right eye.
wow, that does sound awful, and I am sorry you have to deal with that. 😟

Mine are not quite that bad... Ice pick, not pick axe - think screwdriver, not axe. ;)
while not fun, it is usually confined to a pretty small area, and only lasts a few seconds at a time. They are also very random in occurrence - might be several times in one day, or it might be one every few days for a week or so... and I can go months with none.

Aside from being a bit tired today, I am doing ok for the most part today.
Yes it took everything out of me hun I had 18 months out of school the school was amazing they sent stuff home for me and I did pass 8 g.c.s.e so was pretty proud of me i managed my symptoms by trying to stay awake during the day but after having a fall at my home and at work its back with vengeance where r u based I'm in UK and it freezing. Hope u r ok? Apart from the pain always here if u need a chat sweetheart xxx
Oh mrsb62 thats amazing how you pushed through to achieve those things, (given circumstances) and I'm uk based, (Thankyou for chat offer 🍬🩷
💕🤗 💕
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Yep mine are pick axe ⛏ migraines caused by severe neck injury.
But I am lucky my C 2 injections help a lot and dry needling from my osteopath helps them from coming full on. Not sure a screw driver would have the same effect lol
What is dry needling harpy? (hope you dont mind me asking,), it's just I've never heard of it before )
🌴 🐨 🌴
Hi Auriel,

“Dry needling is focused on using strong stimulation on the muscles to get them to release. Acupuncture, on the other hand, does not use strong stimulation and it is based on channel theory and using points to heal the body naturally.” Googled. Lol
I have never tried acupuncture so really don’t know how different they are.
I don’t feel most of them, the needles are so fine. Doc leaves them in while doing massage and cupping . He May tweak them if he thinks I need it . But definitely a big help with my migraines. 🌞 to you all.
Oooh interesting, thanks harpy 👍🏻
But definitely a big help with my migraines. 🌞 to you all.
suffered from mirgraines from 5 or 6 yeaqrs old - in those days there were no mirgraines doctors had never heards of them - had tests for epilepsy but that was clear so doctors just put it to the side - sufferred untill I went to Uni in the 60's and had such a mirgraine I went to the Uni medical center ( a demoutable shed) and this doctor also suffered from them a small jab of lsd and a short 15 min sleep and no mirgraine I finally got hyptothery for them and have not suffererd from them again - with my mirgraines I can smell roast lamb just before they start LSD is still the treatment for bad mirgraines
Hi johnsalmon, glad to see you on the thread 👍🏻 Wow, I'd never heard of lsd being used for migraine! (Migrains are a pain in the behind for real!) I get bad nausea with mine ( I feel sick with mine, sometimes I literally am) I'd like an epilepsy test (I don't get seizures but sometimes I do feel shaky and get lots of flashing lights and colours with them) has anyone on here been sent to see a neurologist? cos I've never seen one (I feel I should have given my symptoms over the years) I hope everyone is well (or more to the point having an ok day with the symptoms experienced/experiencing) sending 🌞 back to you too john salmon too 👍🏻 🍀 🧚🏼‍♀️
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I doubt that a neurologist can help . My mirgraines where preceeded by the smell of roast lamb and I could not stand darkness rather just a dimly lit room and I could not stand total silence so had soft music at a low level. I am glad to say that I have not suffered a mirgraine in over 47 yearts or so. I was in the USA during the 60's in San Fran and New York used to like to go to the coffee houses in Greenwich Village and Haight-Ashbury and listen to the Beetnix poetry and the odd antiwar protest song the problem then was that LSD was not illegal and was cheap as dirt so every now and then some "gooddoer" wqould put a drop of LSD on the sugar cubes - and as far as I can remember I did not suffer from mirgrains in new York or San Fran !!
Very interesting, I would certainly give it a try, my brain needs all the help it can get. If only medical grade cannabis was available here too, it would be a change from my meds. Did not sleep well but tried to focus and help someone with paperwork. Got through it but have that feeling almost like my head is spinning if I try to concentrate. It's like my brain shuts down and says 'nope, I'm done for the day'.