Hi. Yes, I have. My 96-year-old mother-in-law was staying with us for ten days. She arrived on June 28. On the morning of June 4, I woke up and couldn't even walk, the pain and stiffness were so debilitating. I literally had to stay in bed for two entire days. Thankfully, by Sunday, by deep breathing and light movement exercises, I was able to start moving around.
When I lost my job in late October of 2012 (company-wide lay-offs), I had such a bad flair-up that my then neurologist had me admitted to the hospital on November 4. At that time, we did not yet know it was fibro (although I had been diagnosed with cervical spine issues that were causing nerve pain, as well as having arthritis in my neck and right hand, and neuropathy in my lower legs). Then ran a gamut of tests on me, including MRI's, CT scans, blood work, spinal tap . . . very thorough . . . and it ruled out a lot. I was put on gabapentin (titrated up to 1200 mg), and she prescribed dilaudid for the pain. Stopped the dilauded after two days. Did not like the effects.
I've been on several rounds of different medications, five different courses of physical therapy, and two physiatrists. I am now under the treatment of a rheumotologist who diagnosed me in May with fibro. We tried Amrix and Lodine, and I felt wonderful! Unfortunately, I developed an allergy to Lodine after four days, and had to discontinue it. And the Amrix constipates me terribly, despite having a very high-fiber diet. When not on it, I'm fine (I also have IBS which I can control). On my visit yesterday, she prescribed Savella which I will start tonight, and titrate up. I'm going to start water therapy, and hopefully find a gentle yoga class in the Fall.
I am so happy I found this forum!