Emotional Stress and Flare Ups

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Yes a friend of mine, is the same way, anytime she gets emotional or depressed for over a day, her symptoms begin to flare up, I have come to the conclussion the two are related.
I also seem to feel more pain in my abdominal area (I have a hernia) when I'm feeling sad, depressed or worried. It's amazing the things the mind can done, it's amazing and worrisome. This is why I'm trying to stay calm as much as possible. Sometimes it doesn't work, but we gotta try.
Oh yes, stress doesn't help one bit. One can get so worked up and not even notice it immediately, and the next day the symptoms are so much worse. And that again, can throw one into depression, and the whole vicious circle starts all over again. Sometimes it's so hard to keep a positive attitude, when everything seems to be against one. But my philosophy is that there always is a light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to persist.
Yes, Stress is a big deal, when I get stress I have really bad flares that last a few days. Life is stressful we just have to find ways of controlling it, I find my dog helps me.
Flares always occur during stressful times. I've been recently sick and vomiting constantly, with Pancreatitis, so I've had terrible flares. My son is Autistic, so the stress there taking care of him as a single mother with health problems makes it so hard. But the love we have is great. He may make it stressful, but he constantly tells me he loves me, if I hurt, he brings me muscle rub, an ice pack or a pillow. If it doesn't make me feel better physically, it sure does emotionally. I always consult with my neurologist and physician about what I can do to help it all, lately I just want to cry all the time, everything is so stressful, that my physician put me on an antidepressant. It helps keep me from getting overwhelmed at least.
My feeling is that too much stress is a major trigger in developing Fibromyalgia. I have done more research on this condition than I have on any other condition in my life. I have several chronic conditions, and trying to get relief from this one eludes me more than I would like on some days. I am sitting here in a sweater even though it's 96 out right now! I am cold all the time and yet they have tested me for everything under the sun and all the tests keep coming back negative. I do feel that when our bodies and minds are in a constant state of flight or fight mode, that it does change how your body chemistry works and reacts to things. I don't think that there is one answer to fix what ails everyone with this condition, you just have to keep trying different things until you find what works for you.
Kerin, that's kinda scary, but I believe it to be true. I've been suffering from stress and anxiety since i was a little girl, deep down I knew I'd pay for that. And yes, sadly I did. I ended up getting this :( And G-d knows what else is waiting for me in the future... eeeek! People say we should try to be stress free but it's easier to say than to do, I have tried everything, but it seems taking meds is the only way... sadly meds only mask things, so I don't think that's a good idea either.
Flares always occur during stressful times. I've been recently sick and vomiting constantly, with Pancreatitis, so I've had terrible flares. My son is Autistic, so the stress there taking care of him as a single mother with health problems makes it so hard. But the love we have is great. He may make it stressful, but he constantly tells me he loves me, if I hurt, he brings me muscle rub, an ice pack or a pillow. If it doesn't make me feel better physically, it sure does emotionally. I always consult with my neurologist and physician about what I can do to help it all, lately I just want to cry all the time, everything is so stressful, that my physician put me on an antidepressant. It helps keep me from getting overwhelmed at least.

So sorry to hear about your pancreatitis, if i'm not mistaken you are the person who went undiagnosed with pancreatitis for months right? So sorry if that's the case, my cousin suffered from that and she could barely walk, until she was finally diagnosed! I hope you recover from that soon! Do they know what caused your pancreatitis?
Hi. Yes, I have. My 96-year-old mother-in-law was staying with us for ten days. She arrived on June 28. On the morning of June 4, I woke up and couldn't even walk, the pain and stiffness were so debilitating. I literally had to stay in bed for two entire days. Thankfully, by Sunday, by deep breathing and light movement exercises, I was able to start moving around.

When I lost my job in late October of 2012 (company-wide lay-offs), I had such a bad flair-up that my then neurologist had me admitted to the hospital on November 4. At that time, we did not yet know it was fibro (although I had been diagnosed with cervical spine issues that were causing nerve pain, as well as having arthritis in my neck and right hand, and neuropathy in my lower legs). Then ran a gamut of tests on me, including MRI's, CT scans, blood work, spinal tap . . . very thorough . . . and it ruled out a lot. I was put on gabapentin (titrated up to 1200 mg), and she prescribed dilaudid for the pain. Stopped the dilauded after two days. Did not like the effects.

I've been on several rounds of different medications, five different courses of physical therapy, and two physiatrists. I am now under the treatment of a rheumotologist who diagnosed me in May with fibro. We tried Amrix and Lodine, and I felt wonderful! Unfortunately, I developed an allergy to Lodine after four days, and had to discontinue it. And the Amrix constipates me terribly, despite having a very high-fiber diet. When not on it, I'm fine (I also have IBS which I can control). On my visit yesterday, she prescribed Savella which I will start tonight, and titrate up. I'm going to start water therapy, and hopefully find a gentle yoga class in the Fall.

I am so happy I found this forum!
I do, that's why I take an anti-stress complex called confianza. It's all herbal and helps the body produce adaptogens so stress doesn't really consume me. I feel more even keeled. Before I started it, I would just suffer and lash out. It was horrible. I would yell and everything. I feel so bad now that I am more clear minded. But yes, stress makes everything worse for me.
I hadn't realized it but yes it does. I get migraines with auras where I have the blind spot, zig zag flashing lights (fun) and I have been so depressed and anxious about getting another aura attack that my body is really feeling it! I have woken up so stiff for the past week and can't sit lean or stay in any one position for too long because I literaly cant get out of that position because I'm so stiff and in such pain. I tried cleaning my boys room, nothing major and the next day I felt like a truck had run me over. Still waiting for the pain to go away going on two weeks straight.
This happens to me all the time also, it makes my middle back hurt so bad sometimes it is hard to breathe
Hi friends,
I should share with all of you my progress with yoga and meditation. symptoms are there, but not as bad as without it. I strongly recommend breathing exercises and yoga to get yourself under control.
Well, stress is always bad. Your emotional well-being correlates with your physical health. Your having a bad day, you really don't feel peppy and energetic. Whenever I have a bad day, I just end up going to sleep. Sometimes I feel like my head is going to explode because I can't find the words for what I want to say. Next thing, my neck starts to cramp up, then my back, then I'm having horrendous pain all over and I just go back to sleep. That's why I been trying to avoid arguments, it just ruins everything for me.
Hi, You got that right. I suffer from bi-polar and anxiety and ocd as well as fibro. So my fibro kicks in when I am stressed. I have to keep my life very calm and as stress free as possible. But to answer your question. a big FAT YES! My husband notices it in my. The weather and stress are the two biggest factors for me!
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