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Tipnatee N

Very helpful member
May 8, 2017
Anemia is nothing new to me but lately do to my other fast severely vitamins and minerals lost than I could consume. I'm struggling trying to find the right balance. Since I eat healthy it seems to keep me together better than before and found some relief , yet there's a time when fibromyalgia brought it all together it felt like there's nothing I could do but constantly trying to survive the horror of it. It felt like being chasing around in the matrix world while the pains are excruciating, the fears actually hurt more. I'm beginning to believe that these are the main cause of my panic attack disorder that doesn't seem to be going away and can't be fix. Doctors so far have never been very helpful since blaming fibro seems to be in fashion these days. Being told that I'm doing great is good and all but no i'm not doing great , not even close. I'm losing mine mind and I just want for once a good night sleep, I don't think I even remember how a good night sleep even feels like anymore. I think I stress out till I stress the stress out of my brain. Beside losing I my teeth to stress , I used to lost my hair so much I ended up shaving my head a few years back ( thank god it all grew back). My worse combination are when anemia and sudden potassium deficiency hit at the same time. It felt like I'm clamming on the wall ( like in the exorcist movie) . I'm freaking out thinking I'm seeing ghosts even when deep down I don't believe it. The ceiling is caving in and I sudden felt like I'm lock in the coffin trying to claw my way out cause I couldn't breath . It kinda took day dream to another level not to mention at night. I saw some old post about anemia but have anyone here experiencing the same thing that I'm talking about ? What do you normally do when that happen? I mean beside taking more supplements of course, cause even with supplements fix my symptoms still last at least a few hours at the least. :cry: there's no warming either it just happen suddenly whenever it want to. ( mostly during sleep also)
Hi Tipnatee,
Can you specify which vitamins/minerals you are deficient in? Have you had testing done recently?
Whatever they are, it can take a few weeks to months to get your levels back up. Keep eating healthy and supplementing regularly. Also, check what should be taken with what. For example, you should take iron supplements preferably on an empty stomach and along with vitamin c (either as a supplement or a big glass of OJ). Others are better taken with food. B12 is probably most important, especially for your mental health. Magnesium (with calcium and vitD) before bed can help with sleep.

If you keep up with the supplements you need and keep eating well and the anemia should improve, though be patient cause it won't happen overnight (if it doesn't, please talk to your doctor. Anemia of any sort can be a sign of malabsorption. Not sure if you've been tested for Celiac, but that is definitely a huge red flag).

Aside from that, I know everything is overwhelming right now, but if you can try to focus on taking care of one or two things you can control, that might help. I know I've also had crazy anxiety triggered by physical symptoms and the fear of them. It's a spiral of pain/panic/pain/panic. But yes, it can be "fixed" or at least controlled. Have you tried CBT therapy? It was a huge help for me. If you can't see a therapist, there are mindfulness meditation practices that can help too. Basically learning to recognise that the panic is just because of the pain, and if you can not panic then that takes away some fuel for the pain. Of course, all easier said than done, but it can be done with practice.

So, big gentle hugs and lots of energy to you. You can get through this.
Thank you! Pegleg84 Your kind words mean everything to me.

Yes I have been tested and continue going back for testing do to anemia problem with one doctor I trust over my anemia symptoms for many years. But fibro change everything and now I'm a mess.
I seems to have high B12 for some reason but still suffering major depressant disorder on physical level than emotional. My A vitamin level is up and down but manageable. I do get good vitamin C with my diet. And I have been taken high dose of D3 do to the fact that sun really irritated my fibro very badly I felt like a vampire when sunlight touch my skin I actually felt burned. With anemia I'm white as a sheet I often scare my self in the mirror when I woke up. Magnesium on another hand is quite hard to know how much I should take cause if I take just a little too much I have a whole night of diarrhea to look forward to which that doesn't mean that I don't have deficiency of it. I do have calcium deficiency so beside taking calcium I also taking K12 to help boosting my calcium intake which I found that K2 have changed my digestive life for the better. But my potassium is on a scary level when drop cause I pee a lot and often but sometimes I pee often but not a lot enough to call it peeing. And no kidney stone problem to worry about . I get very bad bloating till I look like 5 months old pregnancy overnight which is very painful , that's when it getting very hard to breath like I'm gasping for air and I can't bend or move around either.

As far as iron , you are so right! I should take it when I'm hungry cause when I taking it after I'm full I threw up instead, it took me a while to learn that. So you are spot on that one I only wish i knew it spooner.

However I'm wondering about Selenium deficiency since my doctor mentioned it, I don't really know much about Selenium . I know that it's in soil and possibly in water that we drink but I still don't know which way I should deal with this. Does anyone know anything about Selenium? I'm at lost with that one. I do drink water I know that but I don't think I wanna eat soil even when I do get strange craving do to iron deficiency which I'm also overwhelming by as far as non food base caving goes.
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Yeah, Iron is tricky. I've had iron anemia on and off since I was a teenager (actually the first sign that I had Celiac, looking back). I take ferrous gluconate cause it's easier to absorb than other forms, if not as potent. Taking it on an empty stomach with vitamin c is supposed to help absorption. Even then, it can cause constipation and stomach upset, so if it bothers you, take it with food (I usually take mine right before breakfast) or every other day. The point is to take it regularly until your levels are up, then once or twice a week or so as maintenance. These days I can tell if mine is a bit low

Don't know anything about selenium either. Maybe look up what foods contain it?
Interesting about the vitamin K. I should probably be taking that too for circulation/vein health.
Sounds like potassium is your biggest problem. Eat all the bananas! and make sure you're taking supplements that are easily absorbed and right for your body.
Again, your doctor might want to make sure you don't have absorption issues/gut damage/etc. Are you taking a probiotic? Digestive enzymes can also help with digestion issues.

Anyway, hang in there!
Yes I love the gummy bear probiotic very yummy. My anemia problem when I was young used to be just a minor problem such as small fainted here and there when stood up too quickly the worse was just almost break my toes one time when I get up from the bed too fast, but that was just about it. Back then my swim coach used to tell me to eat some popcorn and drink coke , weird approach but it did woke well at the time since junk food do contain iron and zing along with sugar to boost energy since I get low blood sugar from times to time. Since then I detected the sign of anemia by an insane craving of mountain of popcorn usually worsen during double period. I don't digest junk food well anymore especially processed sweet and crabs so I like the cave men diet which is meat and vegetables only, luckily popcorn is ok. Banana I love but to get as much and as fast potassium that I need when deficiency symptoms happen I have to eat 5 or 6 of them at least in one go. I have small stomach so I ended up throwing them in the blender and drink it as much as I could. I ended up dreaming about planet of the apes for a week. I found diet for Selenium is the Brazilian nuts which I have been rumblings through my bags of mixed nuts all morning now. Gosh, I do feel like a monkey these days.
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