Yep also good for all those things too, I've used cupping many times to get rid of a cold in its early onset.
Lol, yeah it's best usually avoided. The marks on the skin is already old heamoglobin pushed past the surface of the skin, wet cupping is when you first needle the skin and then cup so lots of blood comes out. Although for this reason it is only good for certain types of people as removing blood can be problematic if you're a deficient type. Otherwise normal cupping sucks the blood up enough, that what doesn't make it to the surface has been moved (from where it wasn't circulating), this the lymphatic system can perform its proper functioning again and once more recycle the blood.Hmm, but normal cupping doesn't extract any blood from the body, the unrecycled blood stays in the skin area as marks, so its removal still has to take place, doesn't it, just with other means than before?
(According to RafflesHospital on youtube it also helps directly with pain, muscles and fascia and removes "dampness", "wind", "heat" and "cold", sort of TCM "condition" names. Is that correct too?)
My acupuncturist used a bit of glide cupping (I think), but mainly stationary, no flash cupping.
My marks not being so pronounced seems to have meant healthy to moderate "stagnation".
Hmm... I spose I could call my "daily bread" of going thru discomfort to reduce pain "delicious" too .
As far as real bread is concerned: only 100% wholemeal bread for without sourdough for me, any other sort spikes my stomach acid. And one certain type of gluten free (just in case) works well and even tastes good.
I'd been wondering if bread's OK with the TCM diet my practitioner wants me to try, but there she just wrote no roasted grains.
Yep also good for all those things too, I've used cupping many times to get rid of a cold in its early onset.