Anyone having a hard time working?

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Active member
Mar 3, 2015
I am currently having major problems with my job. I am going through the worst pain I have ever felt. I am constantly exhausted and have no energy. I feel like my job is doing nothing but making me worse. I can not afford to quit or start over somewhere new, but sometimes I feel like I can't continue. My job is also very physical which is probably why I am struggling so much. I have talked to my bosses about everything, but there is only so much they can do to help me. How do you handle your pain at work? What do you do to decrease your pain at work?
Hi from Australia Btoppe! Working is very hard I understand as I left my last $AU50000 four day a week job two years ago. My production supervisor's wife was a long term chronic pain sufferer so I got to go to unmovable doctor's appointments and osteopathy visits within work time. Stress is a great amplifier for fibro and I took mindfulness meditation under my wing last year. I was on twice daily morphine (40mg BD) and 5mg Endone (Oxycodone) for breakthrough pain but have now kicked the morph after over ten years. Diet and adequate water intake (and quality) have definitely helped for me.

Embrace mindfulness if you can via group course, book, or online and try a MINDFULNESS OF MOVEMENT technique. You learn how to put appropriate effort into standing, bending, stretching etc. I particularly use mine bent over the sink doing dishes, which I hate.

I rushed through life being an interesting, hard working, and a perfectionist. And now I am slow, seated or lying down, and having flare ups for no apparent reason. Fibro sucks and it takes a long time to accept the fact that you have a disability. Engage with your pain and be compassionate towards it, thank it for reminding you are alive, and then put it away for the rest of the day. It's like butting heads with a goat. All it wants is a pat.

Drew :)
I still work for about 8 hours a day. I know it suck.i manage my energy by taking suplement vit b . Magnesium . Vit d . Cq10. Trust me it helped me a lottt. Dont forget to sleep 6 hour more a day. Dont take antidepresan . It increased the fatique. Take magnesium before you sleep. Use high density foam mattress. It can support your back and it create hot air which is help relieve the pain. Good luckkkk. Dont give up. Stay away from cold weather.
I am a high school teacher-stress definitely makes it harder. But I whole heartedly agree with Drew. Mindfulness meditation is extremely effective as are breathing exercises. I managed to put in a full time year this year, it wasn't easy. The other thing that is really helping me now during exams and report cards, etc. is weekly massages. I use a ball chair when at my desk. I try to move around as much as I can but on a rough day I may need to sit a little more, my students really help me out on those days and come to me during seat work instead of me coming to them on those days. I've had to find the best balance for me. I also see a counsellor if there is a lot going on at school. I live in a small town and the opportunity to vent to a third party ( instead of unloading or dragging down my hubby) that keeps everything confidential can really help too. Feeling up mentally sometimes gives me a boost physically. I have even been known to do a couple yoga poses during lunch in the hallway with students joining in. Obviously the massages and counselling is at the end of the workday but I still thought I should mention them.
Yes if it's not one thing it's another. Let's see, most of us have memory problems, and physical! Tell me a job that doesn't require both and I'm on my way .
No problem, I've been sleeping at least to 10 hrs and sometimes in Untell noon or 1, THE HARD EST PART?
Noone be leaves me. The looks the raised eyebrows, I'm sick of it all!,,
Try to walk a block in my shoes��, or 20 feet. I'd gladly trade places with any of you.
Hi I am having an incredibly hard time working/taking care of the kids/paying bills/cleaning the house....I sometimes feel like I cant' take it anymore. Two weeks ago the pain I was feeling at work left me feeling like I was going to be sick..(I grew up with values instilled in me to work throught the pain and that hard work and dedication got you places)..I ended up going to my doctors and have been off work since then. I've been put on new meds and spent my days resting and trying to get pain under control. I am due to go back to work on Monday with a modified work order from my doctor. I hope that helps but fear for the worst as my coworkers will look at me as I appear fine will not understand what I'm going through. I'm new to this disease (not the pain) and do find it hard to explain but with this forum and the internet I'm learning lots and realizing I'm not alone and I'm not crazy. Thanks for sharing and good luck with finding a balance. I will let you know if I find anything helpful.
When I was working I tried to do some of the lighter work, and have the younger ones do the heavy lifting. May I ask what you do? It is frustrating and depressing. Hang in there.
I'm new here, but I understand how you feel. I have not worked since 10/14/2014. I was 49 at the time and I was having trouble just working an 8 hour shift. I used to run rings around the younger ones. A few months before I left my job, I went in to talk to the owner (my boss). My husband took me down there to show him how bad I was and that I couldn't work an 8 hr day. I ended up working only five hours a day. (What really hurt was when he said I looked fine two days before that) I was doing a job that was both physical and stressful. When I finally had to give my two week notice. It was the most heartbreaking thing I ever had to do.
Its hard to get them to understand what your going through. Not everybody will. Try talking to your Dr. about work restrictions and have it in writing for your job.
Whishing you well.
Sending you love and light
I think it is so hard knowing when people look at you they wonder why you are having problems because you look fine. I worked until I wAs 65 1/2 and should have kept working but retired. I still have a lot of bad days and i need to learn to say it is ok to take it easy. It does get so old not feeling well. hang in there hope it goes ok when you go back to work. good luck, take a day at a time.
I work in a warehouse and i carry heavy damaged product and walk around all day. I am still in horrible pain. Finally my boss stopped me from using a manual jack to pull around a pallet of heavy product. Now i only carry one by one, but I am still hurting. My doctor keeps putting me on depression meds and I am tired of it! My mind is fine now! Its my pain that is driving me crazy. I am only on mobic and flexeril for pain. Sometimes I feel like i am just going to pass out at work. I do not know how you mothers do it. I have a hard time just chasing my dogs around after work. Sometimes I wish 8 could just quit, but I have to many bills to let me do that. And yes my co-workers, family, and friends act like I am making it all up. They look at me and say "oh, you look fine" or "well i've had this cramp in my calf and I can still work." They just do not get it. I do not know what I would do without this forum. Thank you guys for sharing your similar issues.
I sincerely hope we all get some kind of relief.
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