
  1. P

    FM and blood testing?

    So i am reading on this site and its explaining FM and also its explaining about a test they have but most insurance will not pay for it. But after reading several people post and info I have never heard of this test being taking by anyone. Common Misdiagnoses of Fibromyalgia
  2. J

    New to site not to Fibro...

    Hi y'all, I've been a diagnosed Fybromite for the past 2 years but as is the case with most of us I believe I had it long before that. Let me correct that. I have best friends that have Fibro and THEY thought I had it long ago...in fact they would ask me, Them: "Have you thought it could be...
  3. M

    Hello from ba new member

    I was recently diagnosed with Fibro after being a Massage therapist full time for nearly 10 years and owning my own spa for 6.5 years. Problem is we didn't have enough employee's so now I got carpal tunnel and Fibro diagnosed almost at the same time and even after the surgery I am not...
  4. N

    what in the world has happened to me?

    Hello there! my name is Nikki and I am brand new to this site. I was diagnosed with Fibro in April. In October I noticed this spot on my arm that turned into a hive and spread all of the way down my arm and turned into this huge bubble at my wrist. it was horrifying! I was diagnosed and...
  5. M

    thoughts ?

    Hi all, So glad to have support. I have been reading and I am thankful for this forum. I've been feeling crappy for roughly two years. It first came in the form of major digestion issues - I'd burp all the time and got no relief... just burp, burp, burp. I had seen many docs with regard to...
  6. A

    Pain is getting worse, don't know what to do!

    I was diagnosed about 4 years ago with fibromyalgia. The pain has always been mild for the most part, occasionally moderate. My pain is a deep ache all over my body. Feels like my bones hurt. The last couple months the pain has been getting worse. I've also started having pretty severe pain in...
  7. S

    Finally Diagnosed after 6 years

    Hello, My name is Dan and I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. The FM specialists said I have to perform a Sleep Study and Growth Hormone Testing as well as a Pain Pyscologist. I'm happy after 6 years of doctors and specialists to finally get a diagnosis. All this time they thought it was...
  8. M


    Hi there! My name is Aimee, I'm 32, and I live in Bothell, WA, about a half hour north of Seattle. I'm originally from the north east (NYC metro area), and I moved here a little over 7 years ago. I live with my ex, we had an amicable break up, and with my 2 cats, Calvin and Hobbes. I was...
  9. 1sweed

    Alterative Methods For Healing

    Since I have had Fibromyalgia, I spend lots of money trying to find an answer to how to manage the condition. I was told you need a team of doctors. So I had my family doctor and neurologist, a rheumatologist and a therapist. But I still felt weak and depressed, and alone in this battle. When I...
  10. W

    Fibromyalgia and Lupus

    I was just diagnosed Jan. 31 after 4 months of doctor visits/tests/MRIs, etc. As a man with fibro, I'm feeling a little on the outside, but my wife also has fibro (and lupus), so I have been able to compare symptoms with her and discuss what helps the pain and what aggravates it. Still trying to...