
  1. H

    Acetylcholine and Brain fog.

    I will probably discuss this elsewhere in the future, but this is just a testing ground for my theory at the moment, to see what others think. It is known that there are acetylcholine receptors in the tongue. This is why nicotine gum works and why smokers can feel the effect of nicotine before...
  2. T

    Hi from Tampa...I don't believe in this diagnosis!

    Hi Everyone. My name is Tami. I'm 44 years old and I am newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. You are probably curious as to why I say I don't believe the diagnosis. Well, I have been having fatigue, skin pain?, memory/cognitive impairment, swollen lymph node in my neck, rash on my chest, joint...
  3. L

    Test Result Help

    I got my blood work back and my doctor wants me in ASAP for more testing. Everything was normal except this: ANA IFA SCREEN W/RFX TITER AND PATTERN IFA ANA SCREEN IFA POSITIVE (NEGATIVE) 42254-3 Positive ANA IFA SCREEN W/RFX TITER AND PATTERN IFA ANA TITER IFA 1:160 (SEE BELOW) Positive ANA...
  4. D

    New here

    Hi all, I was diagnosed in December and I am still trying to adjust.I have a job that was very physical and could no longer preform the duties. I have had a series of appointments and come up with the same answers. I am finally accepting the diagnosis of fibromyalgia but my mom is wanting me to...
  5. F


    About me... I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 5 years ago by my GI doctor. My primary doctor at that time and several since told me that fibro was a catch all diagnosis and that my symptoms were all in my head. I've been bouncing from specialist to specialist since then undergoing endless...
  6. J

    Cognition Problems

    Has anyone had any cognitive testing? I did on Monday and found out I scored way below average on memory, memory recall, logic, math,reaction time etc. I knew I had problems but blamed them on fibro fog. I used to be smart but now I am really having trouble at work; I used to be able to...
  7. J


    Has anyone had any cognitive testing? My rehmy had me take a test on Monday and it was really an eye opener. I am way below average in everything on the test (memory, memory recall, math, reaction time, logic etc). It proved to me why I am having such a hard time at work. I don't know if I...
  8. D

    Seeking diagnosis, no one can figure out what's wrong!

    Hi all! First I apologize if I come across brusque or incompetent, I have lost a lot of my verbal language and some of my written so sometimes I come across differently than I intend to. I am 31 years old and have had these symptoms for about two years. I've been to the doctor and had lots of...
  9. Z

    new to forum pain is back

    I'm new here. Hoping to get some answers. I've had regular bouts of severe pain for years. Last year I looked up the fibro trigger points and BANG! That was me. Strugggled with depression for yrs to which no medication has alleviated ... only seems to make things worse, sometimes way worse and...
  10. M

    Am I nuts..Do I need a psychiatrist?

    Well here it goes.. I went to get into my car yesterday to drive to the city to see the grandkids and kids for a bowling birthday party. I looked at the gas tank and thought Wow I need to get gas. I stopped at the next little town and filled up but it hardly took any gas! When I got back in my...