
  1. I

    Is the cold worse for this?

    Do you find symptoms are worse in the colder months? I'm trying to determine if that's what's going on with me (weather related) or if it's coincidental. I'm a stay at home mom, so the only difference in fall vs summer is the temperature or the fact two of my kids are in school. Until snow...
  2. R

    Knee pain

    Does anyone else have really terrible knee pain around this time of the year? Mine flares up when the temperature drops in late September/early October. It is nearly unbearable and causes me to avoid exercise. What are your coping strategies for knee pain?
  3. B

    Diagnosing Fibro?

    Hello, I'm new to this forum. I wanted to know if anyone on this forum can help me to confirm whether or not I actually suffer from fibromyalgia. I've been from to specialist to specialist with no luck. For almost five years I've had seasonal related joint and bone pain and it gets worse with...
  4. G

    Common Anxiety Symptoms

    I hope that I'm not upsetting anyone by starting a new thread, but I think that this is imperative information for those who suffer from any kind of anxiety. I have pulled this list from a website, and it can be accessed easily by anyone, should they care to do the right kind of research. My...
  5. G

    Twitching and aching muscles question

    Dear all, I am a 25 year old male with some symptoms that have kept me worried over the last few months. The situation I have been dealing with in chronological order is the following: 1) Noticed an enlarged lymph node on my clavicle in December (painless and still enlarged at the same size...
  6. G

    Back Pain, Insomnia, and body temp

    Hi everyone. If you can reply to any of the below symptoms I'd be grateful: I read several past posts about pain. My husbands primary issues are in his legs but he has tremendous lower back pain but refuses pain meds. He is on Baclofin 2 x 10mg three times a day to reduce spasms and cramping...