
  1. Hippiechick91

    Anyone use cannabis?

    Hey there! I use cannabis for my fibro pain but I have also noticed it helps me greatly regulate my body temperature. I have a horrible problem with night sweats. If I smoke before I sleep I do not sweat and shiver as much through the night as usual.
  2. D

    fibro/cfs/ migraines.

    hii im 42 ive had this for about 14 years but got diagnosed about 1 1/2 years ago going bach n forth complaining of mainly back pain and fatigue with chronic migraines had lots of brain scans and back scans blood tests nothing came back after all that i was starting to get joint pain in every...
  3. E

    Not quite diagnosed

    My gp told me a few weeks back it sounds like I could have fibromyalgia. After some research I certainly seem to have all the symptoms. Aches, pain, fatigue, sensitivity to noise, light and often movement, brain 'fog' , body temperature messed up get cold easily and takes forever to warm up and...
  4. L

    *Insert Engaging Title To Lure Respondents Here*

    Well, now that you have been sufficiently lured (and oh the laugh I will have at myself if this comes to nothing but lonesome tumble weeds and errant dust devils), please endure this merciless onslaught of words and show yourself to be the steadfast victor by sharing your thoughts. This is my...
  5. A

    New.... and unable to sleep lol

    Hello all I am Jacquelyn Biggs or angelgirl2345 on most if not all sites xD you can call me Jacquelyn or angel, either works. I do not mind my name used on sites. I am 25 and live in the town of Paris, Arkansas. I have been suffering with fibromyalgia like symptoms for over 5 years now. I have...
  6. G

    Has anyone with Fibro/CFS experienced a throbbing/shrinking sensation in the brain?

    Hi, I have been suffering with Fibro & CFS since 7 months. I am male, 40, living in Dubai. My primary symptoms are 1) Feeling very very tired 2) Full body diffused muscle pain which is incapacitating 3) Feeling very very sleepy. During its worst stage, I was confined to my bed for 8...
  7. S

    please read and reply, im looking for some advice (:

    I am 17 and I have had fibromyalgia for almost 4 years now, the pain was actually alot worst even a few months ago, right now i have been able to tolerate it, but I guess I've really let it get me down, I've been feeling lazy lately, what can I do to get myself in better spirits? Also, I have...
  8. T

    Cholinergic Urticaria

    Has anyone else been diagnosed with Cholinergic Urticaria (hives)? I have it triggered by sudden, drastic changes in skin temperature. If I am doing something physical and I have jeans on and it is cold outside I will break out terribly along the tops of my thighs. This started about 16 years...
  9. Melissast

    The Spoon Theory

    I was wondering if any of you have ever heard this story. I told my friends about it and now they seem to understand a little bit better that there is a limited amount of things that I can do every day. "The Spoon Theory My best friend and I were in the diner, talking. As usual, it was very...
  10. trayne91

    Hmm... Anyone else find this interesting.

    So, I had my MRI done Monday. I get a call that says nothing in the MRI has to do with any of my symptoms. I ask what it said (she's mailing me a copy so I may know more later). She said, "Solitary subtle nonspecific focus of increased FLAIR signal intensity within the right parietal white...