
  1. Lellobeetle

    How Fibromyailgia Has Affected Me

    I've already been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, after which I promptly pissed off my Rheumatologist by saying I thought nobody believed that to be a legitimate diagnosis. He said, "Well, I do." I've always had bad luck with doctors. They always say I have an unusual case. Nothing is ever easy...
  2. J

    Thinking I May Have Fibromyalgia... Curious About Others' Experiences/Symptoms ...?

    After doing some research today, I think I may have fibromyalgia. I had thought it was just a pain disorder 'till I overheard something on Dr. Oz about chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I've been diagnosed with Major Depression Recurrent, Insomnia, Panic Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety...
  3. S

    My story and vent

    I guess this is more of a happy vent thing. So I grew up with everyone always thinking "oh Crystal is sick again". I was always in pain, always sick and always complaining about something. Even the school nurse thought I was making things up when I went to see her. The funny thing is, I...
  4. K

    Starting to think I was misdiagnosed.... :/

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after 2 horrible car accidents... Personally, I have never felt like this was my actual or full diagnosis... My Dr's have, over the past several months started looking in to Crps aka complex regional pain syndrome which used to be called RSD reflex sympathetic...
  5. J

    3+ years of strange symptoms - could this be Fibromyalgia?

    Hello all, I am a 29 year old MALE and new to this site and this is my first post. In fact, I have hovered around various forums for the last 3 years or so without ever posting anything but I have finally decided to break my silence. I am not expecting someone to be able to tell me if I have...
  6. 1sweed

    Chilly Feelings, Go Away

    I found a few hints on how to deal with chilly feelings that make you feel cold all the time. Thought I would share the list with you in hopes that some of the suggestions can help you feel warmer in body and spirit. Eat Well- undereating causes metabolic rate to drop and leads to cold...
  7. K

    Red Skin

    I had a strange morning this morning. It started when I woke up and was shaking, not like a full blown seizure or anything, but I was shaking. I then got up and was still shaky, my hands were really shaky, and I was light headed and dizzy. I had an appointment to get my final orthovisc shot in...
  8. J

    Migraine Season

    I don't know about anybody else, but I find that Fall is my migraine season. The constant change in temperature leaves my system out of whack and causes a lot of pain. Plus, due to daylights savings time, my sleep patterns are thrown for a loop for awhile. No sleep = more migraines...
  9. K

    trouble regulating body temperature

    Does anyone else experience what seems like trouble regulating their body temperature? I am almost always too cold or too hot. It seems if I get even slightly chilled, I am then freezing for hours. I cannot warm up no matter what I do.
  10. S

    No doctor wants to touch me...

    Hi everyone! I feel like shit today! I'm about to lose my job and I feel so useless. I can't even get a diagnostic on CFS/Fibro... I've seen like 10 doctors in 3 weeks and nobody wants to help...I'm too young to be hurting is what they usually say. I'm honestly thinking about death a lot. Hell...