
  1. P

    Diagnosed after many years

    I am so happy to discover a place to talk about this terrible malady with people who know how I feel. Thank you for accepting me. I have been seeing the same doctor, a general practitioner, since 2011. I have basically complained of the same symptoms all these years. After my quarterly visit...
  2. vickythecat

    it's too much, just too much....

    I will use this post as therapy...I just have to because I have no other option. 5 weeks ago 2 newly born kittens were left in front of our building. People see that we take care of stray animals, and decide that taking away babies from their mothers and bringing them us is a good idea. (It is...
  3. Tipnatee N

    Oh no I can't speak!! , still can think and typing but can't say anything .

    Is it fibro fog or my vocal cord is not fuction correctly? Usually when it comes to communication ability when it comes to my fibro fog , I usually get slur words, can't complete the sentences, lost vocabularies along with my short terms memories lost or just simply lost the reality all together...
  4. K

    Diagnosed, but still doubting. Am I just grasping for an answer?

    Hi everyone. So my doctor diagnosed me this week with fibromyalgia. It's been over six months that we've been trying to figure out what is going on with me. Fibromyalgia is very new to me and I'm very unfamiliar with it besides the research I've been doing on it this week since the diagnosis...
  5. C

    Fibromyalgia and Vicodin for pain

    I have had fibro for almost 20 years and have tried everything out there with no help. About 6 years ago my Dr suggested taking Vicodin. At first because it is a narcotic I hesitated but finally agreed to try it. It actually did give me relief and I only took between 1/2 - 1 tablet a day mostly...
  6. M

    hot at night

    Anyone else get steamy hot at night? For me it starts in the evening and once I go to bed it gets much, much worse. (lol, I'm realizing this sounds like a racey post :-D). Maybe it's because I'm not moving around, but my body temp seems to creep up in the evening, and then when I crawl into bed...
  7. W

    Can Surgery cause fibromyalgia/CFS and does using CPAP machine make the pain worse?

    40ish male, not over wieght and still working Quick History, 2014 cancer surgery, tumour removed, skin flap, graph. 2015 apporx 18 months later, rapid weakness, vision and muscle fatigue issues 2016 after MS clinic, Neurology, rheumatology, multiple MRI's every known body scan, blood test...
  8. Tipnatee N

    What is your most usual Sleep Disorder?

    When it comes to Sleep disorder, I can firmly say that I have already covered almost all of the subject except the Apnae as my dad has, at least not yet. But the weirdest one would be the Circadian Rhythm Disorder that I falling in to the category of the Non 24 Sleep Disorder. (AKA...
  9. T

    Unbearable Pain and No Sleep

    Tonight is unbearable pain---Unable to sleep or get comfortable...Leg pain, fingers and toes, completely numb..This is becoming unbearable...
  10. J

    Do You Guys Think I Have Fibro?

    Hey guys, I'm new here but was looking to get some insight to see if i do or do not have Fibromyalgia and to help you, i'll provide a little backstory. Im 22 years of age, Male. My father has had this illness diagnosed going on some 10 years now, but has had the symptoms since he was 24 (he's...