
  1. Hippiechick91

    Anyone use cannabis?

    Hey there! I use cannabis for my fibro pain but I have also noticed it helps me greatly regulate my body temperature. I have a horrible problem with night sweats. If I smoke before I sleep I do not sweat and shiver as much through the night as usual.
  2. S

    Could I have fibromyalgia?

    Hi everyone, thanks for taking a moment to read my post. I'm a 35 year old otherwise healthy woman. For the past 1 1/2 years I have been dealing with weird episodes that come and go. The episodes seem to appear out of the blue (are not triggered by stress or any other thing I can identify)...
  3. I

    Sleep Apnea and Fibromyalgia

    last time i was on here i thought i was loosing it all first i dont want to come off rubbing in anyone's face or upsetting anyone in anyway for 3 to 4 years i watched my heath go to being able to do almost nothing back 3 to 4 years ago my sleep ap machine broke and the provider refused to...
  4. Cheryl Ann

    Hey :)

    Hey All :) This is the first time I've ever been part of a forum. This is the first time I have ever reached out for support for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain and Chronic Fatigue. I was diagnosed in April 2012. I have a niece with a slew of autoimmune diseases and 3 cousins with MS, each with...
  5. T

    New to Fibro

    About a year and a half ago I got strep throat which for the first time in my life I had to spend a week in bed. Never heard of before with me. Got through it and a week or so later got this pain in my right side. A piercing pain that got worse. My Dr. gave me a pain killer that didn't do much...
  6. D

    My Letter to Fibro

    Dear Fibro, You came into my life unexpectedly, unannounced, and have set up camp indefinitely without my approval. I didn’t even know something like you existed, that I could ever share my life permanently, so early on with something so mysterious and uncurable. You took away my job, stunted...
  7. L

    new to group

    I've reached a point where I'm at the end of my finances and feel like I have no options left. I live in a country that provides no disability support and the with the pain im in at the moment plus not being able to sleep has meant that finding another job is impossible. I have two children who...
  8. Zolisindigo

    Morning stiffness:what I do to avoid it

    Be sure to get ample deep sleep so your body can repair and recharge,be sure to sleep either on your side or on your back, as stomach sleeping causes unnecessary stress on the low back and spine. If your room is drafty, seal the windows or door. If it is cold, try a space heater or use extra...
  9. M

    Now here and not diagnosed

    Afternoon all I live in the UK and have not been diagnosed with fibro and my doctor doesnt feel like i have it. I have suffered with painful "points" on my body (top on arms, back, shoulders, chest and knees) They are painful with AND WITHOUT touch. i suffer from terrible anxiety (think im...
  10. C

    Dr.s so nasty and doubtful

    Good morning! I am new to this forum and drowning in ignorance of Fibromyalgia and all its little other mental illnesses theta are attached to it. However, why is that doctors never believe you about have this chronic pain and if I swim it will go away! They treat you like you are a drug addict...