
  1. S

    Hello - new today

    Hello, I've just joined this site and I'm very excited about being able to talk to people who can empathise rather than sympathise. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia/CFS/Neuropathy in my legs from my feet to my hips and in my arms from my fingertips to my shoulders aprrox 6 - 7 years ago. I've...
  2. C

    Fibromyalgia or just a Virus?

    Hi everyone, I have been having aches and pains for 3 weeks now. I read so many articles about fibromyalgia, and I know you have to have chronic pain for 3 months before being diagnosed. But of course my Dr. scared me and said I may have it. I doubt it very much, and I just need some insight. I...
  3. J

    The realization

    For the last two years of going to different doctors and feeling like I was seeing the wrong doctors, since I wasn't only diagnosed with this but I was also diagnosed with Diabetic neuropathy, which honestly I did expect being a diabetic for so long. My symptoms were much different when I first...
  4. Trellum

    How do you cope with migraines?!?!

    Hey guys! One of the most difficult things for me right now is coping with the awful migraines I get often, I feel so scared every time I start to feel like I'm about to get a headache, because my migraines feel just like that when they're about to start. Fortunately this doesn't happen all...
  5. M

    New Here

    Hello, This is my first time here. I have just registered. I feel the need to vent. Anyone I talk to gives me advice. Right now I just want someone to listen. I don't want pity. I don't want sadness, just a listening ear. Sometimes it seems like I may be lazy or that I give up. I am having such...
  6. D

    new and frustrated

    Hello. I'm new here. I guess I'll start by saying I'm 30 but I feel 80 most of the time. I've had pain for years but over the last year it got progressively worse. My family and friends call me a hypochondriac because I always have something Wrong. For years I fought with myself thinking its all...
  7. J

    Has anyone experienced this?

    Hi, I am new to the site and have so many questions. I am curious is anyone has had a similar experience since this month was the first time that I heard that my issues were possibly caused by Fibro. About a month and a half ago I had a week-week and a half of extreme exhaustion. I could barely...
  8. S

    Scared to start Cymbalta

    Hi all- My dr called yesterday with results of my blood test and everything came back normal. He suggested I start Cymbalta for my wide spread pain. I have 12 of the 'tender points' that Fibromyalgia patients describe. I had no idea there was even such a thing until my dr last Friday mentioned...
  9. C

    I wish we didn't need this...

    Hi everyone! My name is Crystal. I unfortunately was diagnosed with Fibro in November. I kinda knew I would eventually be diagnosed with fibro because my mom has been suffering with it for 10+ years. I have been going through some sort of illness for the last five years. If it wasn't some...
  10. K

    How do you pay for alternative medicine?

    I have always been a sickly child. I was diagnosed with fibro and CFS when I was 17. It seems to run in my family with at least one case confirmed with an Aunt being diagnosed possibly more. For the past 10+ years I have had a doctor phobia and had stayed away and and off of all the drug...