newly diagnosed

  1. C

    Problems with harsh Tap Water

    Does anyone else have issues with tap water quality? Since moving into my partner's place (well before I even moved in...). First time I ever took a shower the water was burning my skin and was not relieved until I went back to my own house to shower. Now 2 years later I can't even drink or...
  2. F

    New Yorkers and/or resources?

    Anyone else from NY? love to hear about any good doctors, support groups etc? Newly diagnosed and taking it all in. Love to make friends who get it.
  3. F

    newly diagnosed

    Hey folks, I'm newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It's been years of suffering not knowing what was going on but I now I have a name for it and can begin to formulate a game plan. My major symptom is debilitating fatigue and dizziness but I also suffer with pain and other weird manifestations...
  4. E

    Newly diagnosed, but suspect it has been here for years

    I have basically not felt well for a number of years. I have had ongoing lower back issues (arthritis and degenerative disc disease) for about fifteen years. I have thyroid issues, was hyper then they gave me the radiation to get rid of my thyroid so now I am hypo without medication. The doc...
  5. J

    Newly diagnosed and Strange symptoms

    Hello Im hoping someone understands these strange symtoms i have. I was diagnosed in Feb 2014 with fibro, I have numbness at the top of my thighs where my pelvis and thigh meet as well as washboard (thats the only way i can describe it)thigh muscles that are extremely painful. I have seen a...
  6. A

    Extreme pain in hands & feet?

    Hello, I am relatively newly diagnosed with fibro (3 months ago). For me it seems like I've been struggling with the pain and degeneration for more than 6 years. My father's name for it is "the creeping crud." I wonder if others have the same trouble I do with the pain in your hands and feet...
  7. P

    Newly Diagnosed and Already Frustrated

    Hi, I was diagnosed with fibro by an Immunologist a couple of weeks ago. A couple of days ago I went back to see my GP. I have been reading about fibro for the last couple of weeks so I asked her if I was going to get tested (like trigger point) but she said that there was no need as the...
  8. S

    Pain meds take awhile

    Hello everyone, I posted my newbie info already and now I don't know what to do. I came in to see him bc I had been dealing with intensifying neck/shoulder/knee/ect pain and migraines, which I never used to get. I had been trying NSAIDs with little improvement, except for my psoriatic arthritis...
  9. C


    Hello. I am newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I appreciate any info you all can give but especially knowing I have somewhere to go and am not alone. I have a question that is a bit personal. I'm still trying to figure out my symptoms. One particular area of pain is my pelvic (vaginal) area...
  10. S

    Newly diagnosed

    So I am very newly diagnosed. I had a doctors appointment on Monday, and it took the the doctor all of 5 minutes to tell me what was wrong. After having this type of pain for the last 5 or so years I am very relieved to have a diagnosis. It kind of validates the pain and fatigue. My mom...