newly diagnosed

  1. E

    Heelllooo :)

    I just wanted to say hi to everyone and introduce myself :smile: I am newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Interstitial Cystitis in October after an earlier diagnosis of an auto disease diagnosis of uveitis in July of this year. I won't lie, it's been a rough few months and I am really working...
  2. P

    Newly diagnosed and not sure what to think!

    Hi all. Just diagnosed although little surprised. Brief history suffered iritis twice and second time my lower back flared up with my right hand changing colour shortly after. Medical professional thought AS but all blood test negative apart from slight increase in anti nuclear. Pain then seemed...
  3. P

    Newly diagnosed and not sure what to think!

    Hi all. Just diagnosed although little surprised. Brief history suffered iritis twice and second time my lower back flared up with my right hand changing colour shortly after. Medical professional thought AS but all blood test negative apart from slight increase in anti nuclear. Pain then seemed...
  4. T

    Cholinergic Urticaria

    Has anyone else been diagnosed with Cholinergic Urticaria (hives)? I have it triggered by sudden, drastic changes in skin temperature. If I am doing something physical and I have jeans on and it is cold outside I will break out terribly along the tops of my thighs. This started about 16 years...
  5. C

    Newly diagnosed.

    Hi everyone! My name is Cari. I am new to the group and the world of fibromyalgia. Yesterday I went to the rhumatologist for the first time and was told I have fibromyalgia. My jaw literally dropped. It was not on the list of things I thought I might have. I must admit I'm in a bit of...
  6. R

    Sore Quads. Anyway to relieve this?

    Hi all, I am newly diagnosed and one of the biggest problems I've been having is pain in my quads. Standing up, bending to pick something up, and sitting on my heels are all pretty painful. I've been trying to do stretches for my quads and I'm feeling very minimal results. Is there anything I...
  7. R

    Hello! Another new member

    Hello everyone! I'm a newly diagnosed member. Trying to wrap my head around this still. Earlier this year I had gone to the doctors with numbness in my extremities it was the worst burning sensation with pins and needles that wouldn't go away. My bloodwork then came back as pre diabetes. I was...
  8. T

    Hello - new to Forum and to FM

    Newly diagnosed with hyper-mobility syndrome and FM. Here for support. I have not started any treatments yet. Taking it one day at a time. Trusting in God. Nice to meet you all.
  9. M

    Newbie with a new stage in life

    Hi everyone Never thought i would be here, yet here i am newly diagnosed with fibro. I work in the health service and have had contact with patients with chronic pain, but never thought one day that i'll be one of them. Its overwhelming to say the least, but i take comfort that there are others...
  10. T

    Newly diagnosed

    Hi everyone. I was newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia and RLS last month. I went to the rheumatologist today and he prescribed protriptyline. He said the pharmacy would have to order it, and he was right. I know it is a very old drug, but does anyone have any experiences to share regarding...