newly diagnosed

  1. WarriorPrincess12

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hi all: I am a newbie to the world of online support groups but unfortunately not unaccustomed to having pain and health issues since my early 20's. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune related disease in my mid twenties. Months ago I began experiencing chronic pain, and tenderness all over my...
  2. C

    New here and newly diagnosed. Need advice please.

    My name is Carly. I am 30 years old and for the past 8 months or so I have had pretty bad pain in certain areas of my body along with physical symptoms such as extreme fatigue, depression, anxiety. I had some tests done and was sent to a Rheumatologist because of a positive on the ANA test. I...
  3. L

    Newly diagnosed and overwhelmed

    After being treated for pain but never diagnosed with anything for nearly 2 years, I was completely frustrated. During this time I was also tested to see if I had early onset Alzheimer's (I don't) and have also been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Thought I was going crazy. I finally found a...
  4. N

    Newly Diagnosed

    I finally got the diagnosis that I have FM, it has been a long time coming and to be truthful I honestly believed that it would be FM long before my doctor settled on it. I have had unexplained hip, low back and joint pain with no inflammation found for years. It has become more intense and...
  5. R


    Hi everyone, I am newly diagnosed and am so glad to find this forum. Its nice to know there are real people out there who understand what I am going through.
  6. L

    newly diagnosed

    Im newly diagnosed.. My hips and legs are the worst, constant stabbing burning pains in both hips my legs ache like I have walked miles. Restless leg syndrome at night i feel like I have been in a car crash when I wake up in the morning. I get brain fog, anxiety and habd tremors. Continous...
  7. A

    What symptoms do you get?

    Hi folks, I'm newly diagnosed and frankly a bit down about it as it can't be cured. Usually it's as simple as taking a pill and you will start to feel better! I suffer with aching/swollen feeling ankles, feet, hands and shoulders but also have pain in my back. I am just exhausted and seem to go...
  8. M

    newly diagnosed on 9/11/13

    newly diagnosed on 9/11/13
  9. L

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hi. My name is Bev. I finally got diagnosed yesterday! Not that I wanted a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, but I wanted to know what was wrong with me and why I was having so much pain and sensitivity (even though in the back of my mind I knew). I even asked my Rheumatologist if there were any other...
  10. M

    New member, newly diagnosed.

    Hi everyone. I'm new here and was Dx with fibromyalgia in April. I've also had rheumatoid arthritis for six years. 57 years old, left work two years ago as I just couldn't do it ALL anymore. I'm a social worker and have worked with disabled and elderly for over 15 years. So, I know what I'm in...