
  1. M

    Very interested in your opinions and ideas re- the seeming explosion fibro diagnosis

    Hi everyone, great to be able to finaly post here! I am really intererested in peoples views about fibro, And why we are seing such a rise is diagnosis in the last couple if years. I have been unwell for many years, only receieving a diagnosis of fibro a few months ago...of all the illnesses i...
  2. M

    Warning: Prescribed Cymbalta for Fibromyalgia

    This is a shout out to all new patients that are newly being prescribed Cymbalta for Fibromyalgia. Before I start in to those whom Cymbalta helped,( good.) But for those whom are new to this drug.....Please please please read the side effects that can happen, and the terrible road to recovery...
  3. B

    Hi From PA

    Hey everyone. I'm Samantha. I haven't been officially diagnosed yet because I ran out of money for copays and blood tests before I reached that point, but my doctor basically narrowed it down to Fibro or RA. After doing a ton of research on my own, I'm pretty sure it's fibro, mostly because the...
  4. M


    The possibility of Lupis hangs in the horizon. My last blood work came back with a high ANA. Which like fibro presents itself as a auto immune disease. There's no cure, but...if caught early enough can help the Medical community decide what meds to use. I've been on a Marithon, google...
  5. M

    Rolling the Dice

    I am so tired of. DR. APPOINTMENTS. I'm being tapered off of pain meds 10 MG 2 times a day right now. I'm so exausted I can't think. I'm going along with my new Dr. With hopes he knows what he's talking about. His answer is stop: the opiats, and do yoga. Am I seriously Daft.? I'm seeing Another...
  6. N

    I'm in a bad situation that is turning scary

    My dad made me go see doctor for a second opinion on my fibro diagnosis because he didn't belive that I had fibro, but his doctor also diagnosed me. I've become dependant on my dad and live at his house (very long story short, it was my grandpa's house and i was living here to take care him...
  7. PattiD

    Just venting

    I've been having a bad few weeks lately. It seems that I'm stuck in a rut. It seems as though my life is governed by when I take my meds. The pain has been constant and it's been bringing me down a lot as well. I'm still having issues with gastritis and costocondritis has been rearing its ugly...
  8. E

    I used to pray God would come get me

    I used to sit in pain cry and begging God to come get me. Then I finally got diagnosed. And it seemed the meds. We're starting to work. Slowly I went backwards. We changed meds, severe negative response, changed meds again had just started to see a slight improvement and my 18 year old son...
  9. B

    Help! Waking up with a horrible headache and neck pain

    Hello everyone. Am I the only one waking up every morning with an extreme headache accompanied by tender neck pain? The vertebrate right where my neck meets my shoulders hurts so bad on each side. I wake up and I can already feel the pinch in my muscle around that vertabrate which gives me an...
  10. F


    I was wondering how many people had migraines with fibro.?? I suffer from migraines and they seem to be getting worse. Seeing spots and body shutting down for most of the day or longer. I just began taking topamax 25mg and have had a lingering headache since I began taking the meds which is just...