
  1. Feien

    Could this be fibro?

    Hello everyone, I'm a 24 year old female from Canada. I've been experiencing pain and fatigue for some time and I've started wondering if I might have fibro... I have been diagnosed with hip bursitis about a year ago. I've been having chronic hip pain for years, anti-inflammatories don't help...
  2. M

    What has worked for you? Help

    I'm new here. I was diagnosed with RA 7 years after I started having symptoms in 2007. I started having relief but then I began to have pain again. My SED rates (inflammation) were perfect so my Rheumatologist started changing my meds. Nothing worked for 2 years. One day a student working with...
  3. E


    I'm just curious, I've had GERD since I was a teenager, but my heartburn stays out of control despite diet and meds. Does anyone else have this problem? I just had an endoscopy in January, nothing to write home about. Any advice that's off the beaten path?
  4. H

    Recently Diagnosed- So Many Questions!

    Hi all! I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 2 weeks ago, although I've had symptoms for the last 3 years. I'm 22, and wonder if treatment options are different if you're younger? My GP has started me on Cymbalta (very low dose, 20mg set to increase to 40mg in the next couple of days), and...
  5. G

    Hello im new here

    Hello im new here and from Georgia... I have had fibro about 16 yrs... was under pretty good control but lately has been quite bad... More fatigue and new symptom areas ... My meds are not working too well... Feeling frustrated..
  6. L

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hello All! I am 35 and just recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by my PCP. I have had symptoms for close to 2 years and numerous test that were negative which led to my diagnosis. My PCP has decided to manage my pain so that I do not have to go back to my crazy pain management dr. He loved to...
  7. B

    Coping with chronic fatigue/brain fog

    Sorry if this is a duplicate post, I'm on my phone and wasn't sure where to put it and can't tell if my first posted :shock: I'm 20 years old and was diagnosed with fibro when I was 12 after a period of intense headaches and fatigue and missing a year of school. Ive had a year or so at a time...
  8. B

    Coping with the chronic fatigue/brain fog of fibro

    I'm 20 years old and was diagnosed with fibro when I was 12 after a period of intense headaches and fatigue and missing a year of school. Ive had a year or so at a time since then where my symptoms haven't been as bad, but since I was about 17 it's been pretty much constant. My rheumatologist...
  9. D

    Just want answers

    Hi, i am new to the site. I am 48 years of age and have had fybro for about 10 years. It took 7 of the 10 to convince me I did. Now that I have accepted it I feel lost. The Drs. here do nothing to help because I can not take any meds due to all the side effects and they just blow me off when I...
  10. M

    Very interested in your opinions and ideas re- the seeming explosion fibro diagnosis

    Hi everyone, great to be able to finaly post here! I am really intererested in peoples views about fibro, And why we are seing such a rise is diagnosis in the last couple if years. I have been unwell for many years, only receieving a diagnosis of fibro a few months ago...of all the illnesses i...