
  1. K

    Pain worse since ?

    I have been in some pretty nasty pain since the weather changed. It really is an all over pain, it feels like I have been in a car accident. My feet are starting to hurt again, my toes feel like they are swollen and they hurt really bad. Sometimes it is almost like they are on fire and nothing...
  2. M

    Hello everyone

    Hi my name is Melanie and I have just joined your forum. I guess here is where we are should tell everything about ourselves ok here it goes. Every time I see my doctors it is a roller coaster of meds. I take so much medicine I think I own a pharmacy at my house with all the meds. I have tried...
  3. S

    Naturopathic doctor claims to know what causes fibro

    I have an appointment to see the doctor. I understand that he is famous for helping people with fibromyalgia find nearly total relief from their symptoms, but he puts you on a strict diet and herb plan that you cannot stray from in order to stay well. Symptoms come back if you stray from his...
  4. S

    History of trouble... possibly leading to fibro?

    Hi everyone! I need help figuring this out, so I'm going to give you A LOT of details. Feel free to skim everything in order to read what's most helpful to you. The only diagnosis I have at this point in time are chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis (type is unknown, but ruled out rheumatoid...
  5. K

    Climbing Stairs Is Becoming A nightmare For Me

    With each passing day, am experiencing almost a new kind of pain in my body. Before it was just joints and my low back pain, but off late my muscles are tiring out so fast. I climb 13 stairs while going in and out of my house. By the time am in my house, I make at least 2 stops to rest because...
  6. C

    Bad Vision

    Has anyone found their vision to be getting worst since you'd been diagnosed with fibro? My eyes are getting worst, I don't know if its from the medicine or symptom.
  7. A

    New Member with questions about Natural remedies

    Hi! I was just diagnosed with Fibro a month ago by one Dr and confirmed yesterday by my Family Physician. I've had this since I was a teenager and never was properly diagnosed. I'm 36 now! I figure, I haven't had any medicine in all these years, so I may as well go the natural route first...
  8. M

    Unexpected Diagnosis

    Hi. I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia on Friday by a Rhuematologist. I am 41 years old, married almost 20 years, and have 3 children ages 8-23. I was surprised by this diagnosis to say the least. I had heard of Fibromyalgia but not thought about it in regard to the way I was feeling...
  9. K

    How many alternative medicines do you use

    I find that alternative medicine and therapies in addition to my medical treatment can be helpful. What do you try? How many 'alternatives' are you currently using?
  10. C

    How do you get your significant other to understand fibromyalgia?

    I feel my husband is in complete denial of my diagnose of fibro. It surprises me because as I was attending Pain management, and going from doctor to doctor trying to find out what is wrong with me and why my neck, lower back, shooting pains here and there, feet hurt, etc. etc... He was talking...